First I must explain - I really enjoy the changes of the seasons here in the midwest. However, I don’t particularly care for summer, (there’s only so much one can remove to be comfortable and I’m not a fan of air conditioning)… But the changes that occur - differences envelop all of my senses as I walk around hearing the crunch of leaves under foot in autumn. I dress in layers often - but to feel a biting crisp gust of wind across my face… Sometimes, it is literally - breathtaking. The smell of the earth during a gentle rain, accompanied with the quiet patter of rain falling on brightly colored yellow green new leaves in spring…I have been known to let that rain hit me full face when the sun pops out from behind the dancing clouds - The birds play or so they seem to… maybe they are just washing themselves as they splash about. Me too! I go out in knee-high rain boots and splash confidently in puddles when I presume no one is looking, but my Heavenly Father. He takes delight in me… In the summer my eyes feast on a plethora of shades and tones of greens… Yes, the other colors of summer are amazing - the deep reds that seem like velvet - It’s no wonder mankind tries so hard to replicate what Father does with ease… And winter - my favorite time of year. The earth seems to rest. The snow of course, (remember I dress in layers - lots of them)… Its descent downward from the sky… I watch it slowly dance as the crystals catch the sunlight as I wait for a train. I marvel that each one is different. Some of you are wondering - how do you know that Nina? I believe this to be true, because - look at the image bearers around you... We, throughout all of time are - all different. Unique. Yes, there are doppelgängers, but even these folks are not replicas/clones of each other - there are differences… My point to this very long introduction is I like seasons - I suppose… I like some change.
Additionally, seasons at least when they are coming, offer the opportunity for anticipation - hope. The joy of experiencing the upcoming. It’s the prep work of life. Some things I find pleasure in - the getting ready, like for a trip, (I enjoy riding the rails and pack about a 1-2 weeks in advance of traveling), or laying out various colored cloths for hand quilting, …or when cooking. I have been known to study a recipe and research alternatives for my liking and then when the cooking day comes - it’s just enjoyable. Simple. This is when I can prepare. I don’t understand how some people live without preparation - planning for seasons of life - but live by the seat of their pants, as if it were; and seem to care little for wherever that may be or who it affects. I totally understand that random unexpected stuff happens and I surely must react quickly - I must do something… but I see people everyday, (if I venture outside), who seem to be just waiting for the next bump from a bumper car to push them is a new direction… lest they stand still - going no where. Stuck. Either way, with seasons that occur with regularity, (quarterly weather seasons or life seasons), I know what to expect, I can plan - usually.
Segue: Planning and Jesus knows our every day… (there is no surprising Father God).
God is Omniscient, and Omnipresent.
Seasons pass time. Time is for our benefit.
During the season of Lent, (my favorite season for many reasons… The remembering the Cost… The cause and effect of my choices… The Blood-His Blood… The Forgiveness… The new beginnings…); I have opportunity to focus on specific Biblically historic persons, and while I enjoy the change of seasons due to time and examine their effects upon me… I choose to step into the shoes of Biblical characters during the “Season of Lent” to see the time through their eyes…and see if I can see what they saw or in one of the cases will I miss the boat as well…
Matthew 17 - The Transfiguration
Peter, James and John - they saw Jesus transfigured and likewise Moses and Elijah…, (am I the only who wonders - how did the three know that they were looking at Moses and Elijah - They knew Jesus, but Moses and Elijah?…). They heard from “a bright cloud” a Voice that said, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye Him.” Then “the disciples fell on their face, and were sore afraid.” In this declaration, Father God was emphatically stating Who Jesus was/is, not just to dear Peter, James and John, but to the spiritual realm, (Psalms 68), as well, (since they - the spiritual realm -are not omniscient - at all nor omnipresent).
In this season, Matthew 17, Jesus prepares the disciples for what’s to come of Him, yet still teaching them and healing, but in the end - prior to His resurrection they did not seem to perceive the season that was coming - even though Jesus gave them special insight… But, Jesus knew this. He knew their reactions, their fears, their unimaginable horrors, their deep grief… I can only suppose it was the seasoning necessary to be added to their lives to make them into the saints that would carry the Gospel into the nations at any cost - even their lives. You’ve heard it said, “No man dies for a lie”. They had to go through all the turmoil to make them into the people Jesus knew they would become.
The season you’re going through - it’s making you into something useful for the Lord. Is it easy, fun delightful? NO - at least, not always. The season is necessary because without every step you would not become who you are to Father God - beloved and so important to Him. Does Father God need you to accomplish His will - No! But He chooses to use you - chooses to use me, (I am blown away all the time - I am the queen of mess-ups aka sin - go back to July 2016 - and I’ve had lower points since then too). Father God takes the low, the broken, the ugly, the young, the old, the misshapen, the presumed crazy, He used a donkey once to speak His message -Numbers 22:21-39. You do get my point?… Father God can use whoever and whatever He wants! He’s God - He always has been and will always be. Period. Seasons
John 20:1-18 The Empty Tomb and Mary Magdalene (the grave clothes interest me as well - but a discussion for another time).
I know I’m getting way ahead in this season of Lent… But I got to thinking about Mary Magdalene. She saw angels! And was unfazed because she was determined to find her Jesus.
Such grief.
Sit with this for a moment.
She saw angels… Then she saw Jesus! Through tears. Through the pain of watching Jesus be beaten and crucified… All she knew at that moment was - someone had taken Jesus’ body… She just wanted to be with Him - even though He was dead - for just a moment more…
Dear Mary Magdalene thought that This Gardener took the body of Jesus and that she, herself; would carry Him back…
Then Jesus said her name…
Lord, how sweet, how very lovingly sweet - to hear one’s name spoken by One whom you thought was lost to you forever… (I think on that Great Day - we shall hear the trumpet call for HOME and our names will be spoken with such love as when Mary Magdalene heard her name).
Such unimaginable JOY!
And Jesus gave this moment to Mary Magdalene because of love and He knew she would not soil Him with her touch, but she did not know this of herself. But she obeyed.
And so, just as the lowly shepherds, (a motley crew), announced the birth of Jesus… Mary Magdalene a woman of very questionable choices, but surely delivered and redeemed and loved; announced to the disciples that “she had seen the Lord”.
The seasons she had experienced, all of them, brought her to that beautiful glorious day…
Mind blowing.
What are your seasons?
I pray that Father God is in all of them, even though you may not see such… He really is… Really.
Remember the Cost of this season of Lent.
Soli Deo Gloria
This is NOT moldy bread… It’s my
attempt at sourdough bread, in case there’s a question.
It’s very tasty. 🙃