By Nina B.
We are on the cusp of a New Year, 2019, and I am engaging in what some folks do on this day - washing anything and everything that is dirty. I do laundry regularly, of course, but it's just on the days leading up to the new year - I clean - kinda like Jewish women who "sweep their homes of "leavening" in preparation for Passover". I don't do this "clean sweep" for any superstitious reasons - I simply like entering the New Year with a "clean slate" as it were - Don't judge!
I'm sharing this insight into me... because, if you haven't noticed, I share many things with you. Just you.... :-) You're special!
It's rather easy to share with people I do not know. It's like starting up a heavy conversation with people on the train. We are very unlikely to meet and if we do... then you'll know all about me and I'll know nothing about you, so it will be your turn to share about yourself - how much fun will that be? :-)
I share my life because it's my testimony - evidence of my existence - a recounting of my story. Some of you are interested because some of you find it odd but true... You think..."She a of those people.... Egad!" Some good folks out there in cyber land think because I am a Christian, life is supposed to be good... And it was,...
Once upon a time ...Before the fall...
Then life as it was supposed to be, went to hell, because of sin, but then... was redeemed by Jesus,...
So... it's gonna get so much better - HEAVEN!
...But not so much this life... not now...
I'm sorry if you thought it was gonna be roses from here on out... If it is... Santa Claus isn't the reason for the season, sweetie... and that Easter Bunny - nothing to do with the death and resurrection of Jesus...
I've lost you?!
READ the BIBLE! Consider asking God to direct you. The New Testament Books of John, Romans, Hebrews, or Psalms from the Old Testament are all good starting points...
Just READ...
You'll be found. God hasn't lost you - you've lost yourself in so many other things, so many other ways...
So, give Jesus a try.
I'm just sayin'...
I digress...

To say that I am thankful for my storms does not make me self deprecating. I do not make light of hard, harsh times. However, I have learned and have grown sufficiently in faith, while enveloped within my storms. I have been stretched in ways that sunny daze never touch upon - in fact sunny daze - as the word implies lulls and sometimes dulls the senses.
When times are sunny, fun, and bright - I know God is with me - He blesses me with a respite from the world. Otherwise, there is pain, heartache, and stress, and.... want and strife and conflict and so much more that turns my stomach sour and fills my brain with unspeakable crescendos of crashing waves... The storms...
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These are two ducks equipped for the cold, icy lake |
You can't either!
Remember when you tried? Are you being stiff-necked again? Who are you fooling? Remember we haven't met, yet...
Storms are sure to happen. I think I wrote about this a while ago - Storms like tests, show us what we are and what we are not - because sadly, we lie to ourselves - all - of - the - time!
We suppose we are more - when we are not.
Remember, the time you said you were "brave"?
Remember what happened next?
Not brave!
...But you needed to be shown you were not, so you could be made into someone who is, for the sake of God's Kingdom. All in God's time... Hence, why some storms last so long... He knows how stubborn we are - how not ready we are... Remember, we are like sheep - not too bright!
Remember when you thought you had parenting 101 down?...Then your sweet little babies grew into spawns of satan! ... I mean teenagers... Oh, you say they're 2 and 4, (remember "little people - little problems... Big people - BIG PROBLEMS!")

You can too...
...So can God... His only Son - being held responsible for everyone's sins...
Storms -
Simply, Jesus.
This is not a pat answer
- it's everything.
Equipped for 2019? Storms are brewing...
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