He has NEVER missed a beat.
Father God is Who He ALWAYS has been and forever will be…
However, it is the goal of the enemy to get everyone to doubt his or her identity and so doubt Father God and then to live in fear. It's what satan did to Adam and Eve, Jesus and so with us… Everybody else… With us it only takes small seeds of doubt - that eventually grow deep from the “fertile” soil of this earth to touch our souls…
Then sprouts disorientation and then fear…
But God!
Being IN - immersed - in the Word of God daily is paramount. It’s like being battle ready. If one doesn’t know “who” they are even minimally - having some peace about self - they go through life “trying” out various “selves” to see what “seems right unto themselves” - and so screws self and others - who get mixed up in their search… Woe to those who are trying to be what others say they are…
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