Sunday, November 3, 2019

Moving Forward at Anytime!

Moving Forward at Anytime!
By Nina B.

It helps sometimes for me to write my thoughts out and share them. I know, I am not alone and others don't write and don't share, but - reading my thoughts may make someone else's, more tangible to them... They've had them, but nailing them down was just out of reach... So, I write and share - for us both...

I used to think that the start of a new year was difficult... Then I thought holidays were just something that one had to get through - like a tepid shower when the hot water isn't hot enough... I've just passed another birthday - which I am grateful for - I have my health, I'm retired... I am in the stage of life that I used to, only imagine and never thought I'd be a participant.

I am blessed.

I have freedom like never before - with the exception of childhood...

...Then why do I kinda "feel" out of sorts?

(It is important to know I am of the mind that emotional feelings are not necessarily permanent - as in the case when someone feels like death... Feelings change like the wind in Chicago - blowing one way then another... Freezing cold in the mornings and balmy by noon)

It's all just complicated...

I have come to view life as a dance... and I have very limited dance moves. I can count the dances I've gone to on one hand. The dance moves I knew, don't quite flow well... At least not now and one might argue that they never really did. It's like hearing a familiar song and being out of step with the beat. My youngest son would say this has always been my norm - given that he has been described as having a near perfect ear. Once upon a time he used to say that, "...Jesus didn't want to hear me sing..." I laugh.

However, being able to recognize the beat of life and navigate the steps is not so easy when the music is constantly changing... With being out of step so much, it's easier to simply get off the dance floor.

Another birthday... the approaching holidays - Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year... a child's wedding... Family and friends include me... But it all "feels" out of sorts, because the music is the same but I am different... I hear in the background old familiar tunes from past birthdays, other Thanksgivings, Christmas' and there are the things I used to do but don't do now because the beat is off -

The tragedy, (an event causing great sufferingdestruction, and distress...), the terrible, the traumatic the travesty, (a false, absurd, or distorted representation of something)-(this is an understatement), ...happened that caused the permanent

           mis -


in life...

The beat that was so familiar became altered...


     was totally, bro
                                               k e n,
and just  L       o  
                                 s                                                 t...
...more accurately abandoned...

Moving ------------------------------> FORWARD....

Not stopping the dance because, (not simply because - there ain't nothing simple about tragedies)... However,...
I have life,
other moments,
dared to dream NEW dreams,
hopes, ....
I have...

..... a God who knows all that I've been through and invites me to, "Come dance with Him"!

My Lord gets it... that, what was old and familiar to me, is messed up and causes pain every single time I am faced with what was... You can start fresh and over with tons of stuff, but some others you can't, because it's usually someone else's stuff, (like the van that looks just like the one you used to own together, because Chevrolet didn't just make one...)... Sometimes it's people you knew from the other life. The stuff and most importantly the people aren't the problem - its the connection to the tragedy.

Here's an analogy:

Once a upon a time I had a very serious accident - one where time slowed down and I had two distinct choices in front of me... I won't bore you with the details, what's important is that every time I drove pass that area I remembered the accident... For a while, 30 plus years ago I avoided that area like the plague... but with the extension of the hand of grace... from God, I moved forward. I still remember the accident, the choices I had - life or death... Rear-end the older lady stopped in front of me or turn into the lane of the speeding truck... Both sounded bad, but only one was sure death...

What's important - I moved forward, (pun totally not intentional).

Presently, the decision to move forward is not always easy - or comfortable... or even popular with family and friends. Sometimes I do want to avoid people - all people. I just want to be alone... but I think if I were alone for too long, I'd become bitter.

Think on that for a bit - BITTER - like quinine: a bitter crystalline compound present in cinchona bark, used as a tonic and formerly as an antimalarial drug .... (To this day I do not know WHY my mother used to give me quinine tablets! A tonic of death! I was already a sickly child... and she thought this would help... God takes care of babies... and fools).

Still, sometimes when I'm out and about and I see people and/or I interact with them... I think it would be better for me and them if I just go back to my rock and hide and not move... but not moving causes stagnation -stop flowingbecome stagnantbecome trappedbecome foulbecome stalefesterputrefy - which is all bad!

Yes, moving forward at anytime can be painful - up to your eyeballs... BUT, even at a snails pace... some stuff gets better or at its least - different... Sometimes just shifting your eyes from the ground that you continuously see - to look up, once in a while - changes your perspective - you look up!

What do you see?

Sometimes you sit and stagnate... aka pity yourself... lick your wounds...but please don't feast on them... You will only be successful in consuming you - and you will taste bitter!

In the shoes I walk in..., cuz I don't walk in your shoes - our lives are different - sometimes - I am stuck... but it's a place I surely don't want to live in, (I choose not to remain stuck), ...
The world as it is - is indeed a whole lot of bad, ugly, sin... and my stuff/sin added to it, just makes it worse - not at all better - remember bitter...

But, Father says come dance with me... follow My beat and together the music we make, will be Heavenly as we move forward... always

Soli Deo Gloria

Beethoven's Five Secrets - One Republic -The Piano Guys

Monday, September 2, 2019

It's Not Supposed to be This Way...

It's nearly fall, which throughout most of the US, means it's back to school time... I made the mistake of running to the store for a few items and it was like Christmas Eve! Everyone was shopping for school stuff... I went for mason jars...

Speaking of school... God knows exactly how I learn...

My mother used to have an expression for people who were hard-headed learners, "... You don't believe fat meat is greasy... You need to see the grease running!" For some folks, seeing is believing just as experience is the best teacher... school of hard knocks... You just gotta love those turns of phrases - idioms... They are SO to the point, when you're not the brightest crayon in the box... Like using CAPITALS or ellipsis.... or italics or bold print - these tactics sometimes get your attention and make the point... Sometimes not.

I was somewhere in the mix of these thoughts...

I recall being eighteen, just barely on the cusp of being a young woman, (this was back in the 70's when being 18 was adulthood kinda, at least more so than now). I declared emphatically, I was never getting married and never having children...  I did both... God knew I was not too dependent upon Him. I was the mistress of my own universe and I probably could have coined the term and foolishly believed, "I got this!" Folks have difficulty taking me now... They should be thanking God they didn't know me then and feel sorry for those who did... I foolishly believed, 'I knew it all'. Oh ....and I was right!

I know, typical for the age, however, still annoying.

....But it wasn't supposed to be "that way"... Not - my way...

It's not that I had so much of a pompous attitude - I didn't flaunt my greatness... I just didn't engage with people and had my world running like a fine tuned Swiss watch... Tick... tick... tick... The control thing was/is how I ruled the craziness in my world after being raped as a child and keeping the despectable madness under wraps til.... At 22, I abdicated my throne to my husband and submitted to his will, (usually without question, (what happened to that 18 year old with spunk?  '... Love was blind, deaf, and dumb...'. Read the July 2016 posting - again!)).

...But it wasn't supposed to be this way either... Following something created... like me, something flawed...

It would have been 39 years as of August16, but; things went sour at a lightening speed at year 35 and then I was standing in divorce court on 11/23/2016, ...

Ah... the reasoning for this post... That jump from year 35... to the present... It's not supposed to be this way... Like the occasional burnt popcorn that you eat after microwaving a bag... It looks all good then you take a handful... then... you chew and taste... burnt popcorn... Agh!

Let me explain...

That spunky 18 year old, mistress of her universe - nope wasn't supposed to be... God the Father was listening ever so closely to me when I made my declaration and said to Jesus, the Holy Spirit, the angelic host... whoever was in earshot of His gasp when I spoke my words, "... No she didn't"... If God has a face... one eyebrow went down and the other up... His head was cocked slightly upward and that look of disbelief and shock was on His face; at the foolish utterances of His beloved child, (by the way... No. God was not shocked at what I said, but I want you to get His face... If he had one...). He continued, "... That girl needs a wake-up call... Get my lesson book... She does not believe fat meat is.... She need a lesson on a humble spirit... She needs to have a tiny bit of an understanding of what I go through - just for her... Especially since she thinks she's in control! Mistress?! - My foot!"

God speaking: "Not getting married... WRONG.... Married... Not gonna have children... WRONG again! She thinks five is a full quiver... Let's give her six, cuz 'she's got it all together' ... Right! NOT!"

God Sighs... " Okay... Enough... I think she's getting it... Her spirit is strong and intact and her will is broken... Her will is aligning with Mine... She's becoming usable... Her heart is more pliable. She sees that training, rearing, teaching children is way more than a juggling act... It's about the sacrifice and the resurrection. You can't be THE ONE and be in control and be all knowing when children have  free will... Nina, you can't be god."

God speaking some more: "Beloved you can't see the future, the direction for the children I gave you... They are for you as much as you are for them... I planned this a long time ago...I know everyones direction... I know exactly how it's supposed to go... I know what it's going to take for you all to see Me! Even when it makes no sense to you..."

Me speaking: Cuz God has got this. I believe this, as sure as I know that, this world that we live in, is not supposed to be this way. I live in a sin-sick world. People, which I am one - mess up stuff ALL OF THE TIME! We mess up life even when it's not the intent... When it is the intent, it's selfish sin and evil or stupidity, not so much ignorance... Just think about it... Think about what you do... I know what I do and I admit it - I sin - everyday... not constantly, but throughout the day... It's embarrassing to me, because I say it loudly - I AM A CHRIST FOLLOWER! and not a very good one. Worst yet, it's heartbreaking to God as He reminds me, "Nina it's not supposed to be that way... I sent my Son, Jesus to pay the price for that sin...".  I repent, I acknowledge the sin... eventually... say, I'm sorry and walk in His forgiveness... till the next time... (and He forgives every time - no matter how many times - I sin and repent...)

Which brings me to the other side of the coin... Life! This life... truly, isn't supposed to be this way. God had something else planned - then Eve listened to a "talking serpent" and thought she could be in charge, (that mistress of the universe thing, when it was a new thought!)... And Adam, abdicated his throne and said, "Ok dear - I'm here, right behind you..." And after sinning they thought the beautiful, perfect bodies God gave them; were shameful, (aside: This is when sensuality became sinful folks - right there in the Garden!). They thought, leaves that they pulled from a living plant; that would eventually wither and die; would do the job better than God's handiwork... (Like - what made them think that was gonna work? Momma used to say to me all of the time, when I did stupid stuff,... "Who told you to think?" Not that thinking is wrong, but what I thought was so wrong... Stupid! I guess she figured, someone out there in our neighborhood, must have told me what they thought and it sounded like a good idea to me, so I jumped on it!)

Heavy sigh!

It wasn't supposed to be this way...

And just as Adam and Eve's minds were cluttered with deceit and questions that lead to confusion - at the conversation and questions of the talking serpent... All they had to do was go to Father GOD and inquire... All they had to do was ask... Our minds today are over the top full of stuff that we try so hard to understand we scream, "I Got This!" Ad nauseam...  and we don't! We don't even come close and like dear Adam and Eve,... we don't ask Father God... We don't talk to Him at all...

It's not supposed to be this way...

I get it...

Free will...

When we don't seek out God... When we've tried everything under the sun, to fix stuff, to make us happy... to achieve success... to be our own master and mistress of our universe... When we scream,... I did it my way... and it's still a mess... People!... before it's too late... TURN to GOD and let Him save you and love you and teach you,... answer your questions,... be your friend, your Father,... be your God... be your everything, (cuz He's God and can). In Jesus' name...

Soli Deo Gloria

RileyClemmons -  Fighting for Me

Thursday, July 11, 2019

I Must be Missing Something...

by Nina

I'm thinking I simplify life too much... However, given how very complicated life,... my life is, taking a lighter view; some may believe is a coping mechanism. 

It is not. 

Complicating ones life is the coping mechanism - the crutch. 

Imploding/complicating our lives with stuff... needless stuff in an effort to enjoy life with all the padding of the stuff - all the while, the only thing someone might be successful in doing is avoiding the touch of life - the true experience of life... all because of it's cold, ugly harshness. 

Sadly, in surrounding ourselves with stuff to avoid life, we also avoid...miss, the great things of life - the less is more, the common, the small... quiet that comes from simplifying.

Since my last posting at the turn of the new year, I've made some life changes. 

I've moved and I've retired, kinda; both events have created a re-evaluation of self and stuff. I've had to purge - but this is good. Thank God for external hard drives - so the electronic purge really was more virtual... I yet have ALL of those lesson plans... and pictures of student artifacts, (but who really cares?)...And I had so much other tangible stuff that went off to the Salvation Army... I'm ashamed to admit... at least 5 car loads - I should have rented a van. How did I get so much stuff?

As with my first move that I blogged about - moving exposes who we are for all to see... Fortunately, this move was more planned than my first and not under duress. Still my routines changed as I had to fit into my new space. The bureau, where I used to put my keys and glasses when arriving home, is not close to the front door... so where are these important items going to go so I can find them? New routine.  My old stuff,  the stuff I kept, was sitting in a new space. 

I had to shift... I had to simplify. I had to re-evaluate...

On top of purging old stuff I had to purge who I

I will always be a daughter, mom, sister, aunt, cousin,... friend ... student, teacher, ... Roles change... I don't think I've purged these roles. They are a part of who I am... They are a part of the mix of the new me. But, change they do... 

Wife of 36 years became ex-wife of 3 years and counting. 
Teacher of nearly 19 years became retired teacher, now adjunct professor, (second time around). 
Nina of 60 years became Nina, whatever the good Lord has for me... (this has always been).

Sadly, in my years of teaching and living life; I have seen folks, myself included, chasing after stuff that will validate who we are - the padding that makes us believe we are ok, we are good, we are more than enough, more than we think we actually are... When Jesus has been saying all along... "Only One thing is needful", ... Mary has chosen that which is most important... 

One thing is needful - Jesus!


Jesus is saying YOU are enough as you are... and I, (Jesus), am enough for you.

Too simple?

Scary simple.

It's scary simple because of the simplicity. We'd rather allow the world resound in our ears saying you need more, you must have more, you must be more... you are not enough...


These lies create longings and most recently I've discovered - they create games that people play, so they can get more, (aka manipulation)... and leave you with less...  

Aside: (A little secret - I am very naive - one would think I lived a cloistered life - I kinda did for nearly 50 years - I closed myself off from the world - didn't really engage... Stayed in the bubble... Read my postings it's all woven throughout each one, but God redeems everything - even burst bubbles and mends the brokenhearted).

People rather complicate life with unbelievable selfish games so that they have the illusion of having the most - the most that does not satisfy but only is successful in creating an insatiable longing for more and so complicating life...more...

It's cyclical. 

Heck, I got off that treadmill. 

Why don't you?

Simple is better.

Soli Deo Gloria,