Saturday, December 30, 2017

Sustanibility: Do We Have the Stamina

This posting was much, much longer,... but less is more and I think you - whoever you are - will get my point.

So that we're all on the same page: Sustainability means the ability to maintain - avoid depletion.

Someone out there in the world is looking for that which can sustain; whether it be for fuel/food, or income. I would venture to say that we are all looking for something that can sustain us, but surely this means that we, ourselves are the "thing" that someone is looking for. Because we are the "thing" - we are in a constant never-ending search, because we, can not sustain - JACK!

Think about it... Energy source - nope, not really,.... Food - no thank you GMO's and all other sorts of science experiments,... Income - hello Lottery, (I don't play - I work!),.... Relationships,- I just have to look around my classroom at my students and the folks I work with, go to church with, see at the grocery store ... and BTW - I just have to look in the mirror... Till death, has become a myth...

We sustain nada!

Whether than consider resources and possibilities, folks don't want to do with less and they want to make sure that they have what they want and they want it NOW!

Oddly, in actuality, people do look for and expect others to sustain them!

Sounds like the mindset of a baby! A baby’s world is all about them.

To sustain, means that we are willing to go the distance...And sadly, I simply don't see mankind going the distance for much of anything, least ourselves and what we want. We are constantly on the lookout for the quick fix, thinking that it will surely hold us... but only until the next hit of the next "thing"... It's crazy, and we pity addicts.

Think of what we do to our children. We nurture our children to adulthood and then claim to "help out" our adult children, but make them dependent and so become co-dependent ourselves, because we want to sustain parenthood longer - because we like being needed and want to be needed and complain when it becomes a drain?!? This is not sustaining relationships. This is selfishness on all parts, and this is what makes the pockets of therapist bigger. Cut the strings and when the bough breaks, Johnny and Suzy will get up and grow-up. I need to hear this too.

However,... to sustain means to be sacrificial. To sustain means someone is going to give until there is nothing else to give - this is not temporal but eternal. Only God can sustain. God does not deplete Himself. God never runs out. God ALWAYS has something to give. God is

God has the ability to maintain sustainability forever. He does not need to avoid depletion, however, He is constantly, relentlessly conforming us into His likeness - being Christ-like. Not being a god, but having our Father God's characteristics because we are His children, (please, DO NOT think me a new ager - that, is pure craziness - but I digress). My earthly father lacked rhythm. I remember him being shy and attempting to enjoy the beat of a 50's crooner, as he danced behind a curtain separating the room - I am like my father. I lack rhythm and I do not dance. See? I have characteristics of my father, but I am NOT my father.

God orchestras scenarios for His children so we can become more like Him - having the ability to sustain - to go the extra mile - to maintain the stamina. To love more - PERIOD.

Think about the, what if... we simply loved more... Longer?... Not just harder... just longer...
What if we thought about someone else, rather than ourselves, for just a bit longer,...
What if we chose to do the right thing, for someone else, for a bit longer than our usual...
What if we sought after our Father God longer...

Father God pursues you,... me...un-relentlessly, with unbelievable love - unfathomable love - with a love that knows no bounds.

It is He who sustain us. He strengthens us for this life. He said this life would not be easy. He said we would not be happy... But, He said He would be with us ALWAYS and that joy comes...
Happiness is not joy. They are not the same. Sometimes, we can be happy, while other times we can have joy in deep sorrow… Happy doesn’t mix with sorrow… As an artist, I can see the pangs of sadness with the break of joy - it is a light buried deep - but is a glimmer that glows and melts the dark...

Consider reading His Book to you, (the Bible). It has living Words that can sustain you in this life.

Soli Deo Gloria,
Nina B.

This video is not my usual Christian music either, (like last month’s posting),, but because it lacks words and familiar music, I find myself being less distracted and more reflective. The composer is Johann Johannsson "Flight from the City". However, I really enjoy Max Ricther's compositions. The one that follows Johannsson's is "Meeting Again" - Exceptional.

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