Prayer: Thy Will Be Done
by Nina B.
I once heard it said, from a popular evangelist, that the average Christian spends about 3-4 minutes in prayer. I don't know if this is even daily, however, the mind wanders off like a rabbit down its hole... A prayer-life gets lost.
While I don't spend time on my knees as often as I like... Let alone prostrate in awe, humbleness, fear... I do spend time in conversation with God - which seems like an endless flow of childish chatter,... Lord,... God... Father... Daddy... Please... Now... I want...
(spoken in the full rage of Veruca Salt, from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory)
I have had my moments with my Father, in fact nearly every morning...
One, two, three,... fifteen, sixteen,... "Lord why is my metabolism dead? ... Twenty, twenty-one, ... THIRTY! - You know you can make it work again - if You wanted to." Why isn't this working - ever! ? Am I to be stuck looking like a pear with legs" (Such a first world problem - I'm ashamed to admit it).
Lord, how long before my children come back... I invested so many nights of prayer - beseeching Your throne... Don't You see them journeying into a far country... MAKE THEM STOP!
Lord, how long before my children come back... I invested so many nights of prayer - beseeching Your throne... Don't You see them journeying into a far country... MAKE THEM STOP!
You did.
Didn't You...
The cross...
I will cling to the cross, Your cross... What else is there? But still my prayers, my cries, my pleading seem to fall
Didn't You...
The cross...
I will cling to the cross, Your cross... What else is there? But still my prayers, my cries, my pleading seem to fall
their intended mark - You,
God, why don't Your people talk with You more?... Perhaps, that's why the children of Israel made their idols. They needed to see You and they hadn't an idea of how to create that which has never been seen before - like describing something to someone who's blind. Think about it... How would you describe colors, shapes can be done via touch, but so much would be lost in the translation because much of what we really see is ethereal - like a sunset... But I digress.
We don't talk with one another much, because sometimes people care very little for what people have to say. People nod their heads in agreement for stuff they know nothing about... We say "Yeah, ah-huh..." It's really crazy. We presume to know what God is thinking when we speak with Him, because we help Him out. We have all the answers and expect Him to catch up with our program... So, we really don't pray we talk at God, because a lot of times we just like to hear ourselves talk. Like baby chatter and sadly, we care little for what God has to say - His response.
Sometimes, people don't talk with God because they simply don't like His responses or lack thereof; so they avoid Him like the plague and don't pray. They have the attitude, "He doesn't say much anyway! and what He says, doesn't agree with what I'm thinking ... so...."
Sometimes they don't have the time for His responses... "Yo! God! What's Your thoughts... like, I needed Your response like weeks ago...". Hey little people - He's God - you're dust! I'm just sayin' in case you forgot.
People are fearful of His response - they simply can not believe He just said what He said... remember Gilead and the fleece... I can just imagine that discourse, "No, You didn't!... Now wait just a minute there God, did You really mean what You said or were You goshin ?... Okay...just one more time.... No, no, no, really this is the last time...."
ASIDE: I don't think God goshes/jokes. Of course, I do believe He has quite the sense of humor - Some dog owners look like their dogs. Why? Have you watched squirrels play? When you're over a certain age why does hair grow in your ears? God's humor.
Do you think God just lowers His head and shakes it sometimes - when we do pray.
Sometimes it is scary praying, "Thy will be done" - especially when you want someone to get better, or...
"Thy will be done" - you're hoping for that new next thing...
"Thy will be done" - When you want answers to the unanswerable - stuff that has to do with other folks...
"Thy will be done" - When you want change...
But think about it, He's either God or not. He either has our back or He does not. He either loves us or we are to be pitied...
We either trust and believe which equals faith - Faith in God to have His own way for our good. He loves us so dearly and knows every second of our lives and knows what is best.
It's easy to write about this stuff - Totally another thing to put it into practice. My life reads like one of those A and B novels. She took path A folks so this is how God stepped into fix that....Oh this time folks... she took path C but in the last moments changed to path B, but pulled some crazy stuff in... And God fixed that too, (she didn't even notice that He did...). He heard her cries for help and sent a response in a surprising way - she didn't understand, so she missed it. She asked.... She didn't go with His leading/God's plan... ...Sigh!
God fixes.
Prayer - Thy will be done.
If/when you pray, just trust and believe.
Be still and wait.
Soli Deo Gloria
God, why don't Your people talk with You more?... Perhaps, that's why the children of Israel made their idols. They needed to see You and they hadn't an idea of how to create that which has never been seen before - like describing something to someone who's blind. Think about it... How would you describe colors, shapes can be done via touch, but so much would be lost in the translation because much of what we really see is ethereal - like a sunset... But I digress.
We don't talk with one another much, because sometimes people care very little for what people have to say. People nod their heads in agreement for stuff they know nothing about... We say "Yeah, ah-huh..." It's really crazy. We presume to know what God is thinking when we speak with Him, because we help Him out. We have all the answers and expect Him to catch up with our program... So, we really don't pray we talk at God, because a lot of times we just like to hear ourselves talk. Like baby chatter and sadly, we care little for what God has to say - His response.
Sometimes, people don't talk with God because they simply don't like His responses or lack thereof; so they avoid Him like the plague and don't pray. They have the attitude, "He doesn't say much anyway! and what He says, doesn't agree with what I'm thinking ... so...."
Sometimes they don't have the time for His responses... "Yo! God! What's Your thoughts... like, I needed Your response like weeks ago...". Hey little people - He's God - you're dust! I'm just sayin' in case you forgot.
People are fearful of His response - they simply can not believe He just said what He said... remember Gilead and the fleece... I can just imagine that discourse, "No, You didn't!... Now wait just a minute there God, did You really mean what You said or were You goshin ?... Okay...just one more time.... No, no, no, really this is the last time...."
ASIDE: I don't think God goshes/jokes. Of course, I do believe He has quite the sense of humor - Some dog owners look like their dogs. Why? Have you watched squirrels play? When you're over a certain age why does hair grow in your ears? God's humor.
Do you think God just lowers His head and shakes it sometimes - when we do pray.
Sometimes it is scary praying, "Thy will be done" - especially when you want someone to get better, or...
"Thy will be done" - you're hoping for that new next thing...
"Thy will be done" - When you want answers to the unanswerable - stuff that has to do with other folks...
"Thy will be done" - When you want change...
But think about it, He's either God or not. He either has our back or He does not. He either loves us or we are to be pitied...
We either trust and believe which equals faith - Faith in God to have His own way for our good. He loves us so dearly and knows every second of our lives and knows what is best.
It's easy to write about this stuff - Totally another thing to put it into practice. My life reads like one of those A and B novels. She took path A folks so this is how God stepped into fix that....Oh this time folks... she took path C but in the last moments changed to path B, but pulled some crazy stuff in... And God fixed that too, (she didn't even notice that He did...). He heard her cries for help and sent a response in a surprising way - she didn't understand, so she missed it. She asked.... She didn't go with His leading/God's plan... ...Sigh!
God fixes.
Prayer - Thy will be done.
If/when you pray, just trust and believe.
Be still and wait.
Soli Deo Gloria
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