Saturday, February 28, 2015

While Rome Burned...

by Nina Benson
It's Saturday. I started off my morning with exercise. Next, I rewarded myself with a seat at the computer and a cup of coffee. On Saturdays, I catch-up with the news that I’ve only heard snippets of on the radio, on my drive home, Monday through Friday.
I tend to be a researcher when I read the news. I search for several sources on the same news item to get a varied viewpoint, hopefully, eventually getting to the truth, (Truth: something that is definitely not synonymous with the word - news). I had heard that ISIS recruits were in all fifty states and that tagging could be found everywhere. My “research” as it were, led me down into a very dark and very deep rabbit hole – I’ve been down this road before, however, today, like most days, I could not ruminate over the subject.
...But how could I not?
The images, the words, the comments, the other news, the wars everywhere, the assassination in Russia, the governmental take-over of the internet by the FCC… This is to say nothing of my own family life concerns, nor those of my dear friends and colleagues at work and my students…
To give thought and/or participate in that, that matters so little… Still…
I had to put it all aside because I had ten teenagers coming over for an art class. I had to set up for it all… they were coming for 9… The news would have to wait – stop for the moment. (God, if it could ever stop – please let it never start again). I had been up and at it since about 5:30-6am…
The art class came and went and was successful…
I took the last young lady to her next destination at 6pm…
Sigh. I started clearing the table of the cups and cardboard and newspaper. Once it was all cleared, I thought about sitting down and eating a little something, (I forget to do this when I’m “on”). Usually after teaching/engaging youth, for a full day I usually like to turn my mind off and engage in something mindless.
Hmmm… how about putting those Monopoly game pieces from Jewel on the game board.  I had fifteen of them and a couple that I found on the ground… Then it hit me.
Then I remembered the news from this morning.
How could I do something so mindless, so meaningless; when the world is literally burning?
I’ve heard it said, that Nero fiddled while Rome burned, (Or played his cithara since the “fiddle” wasn’t invented)… Could I sit idly by and tear off the sides off Monopoly playing pieces and sort them and hope that I have the winning piece, while the world is so out of control.
The question might be: Well what can you do? At any moment, 24/7; I can pray for God’s mercy. I can beseech the throne room of Heaven and plead for Jesus’ return to come quickly. I can read God’s word and seek out His direction.
...But to be idle in times such as these – God there is so much to do … “The harvest is plentiful…” Let it not be said that I knew what was going on, but did  nothing of any consequence and watched the world burn…
Fear Not…

Soli Deo Gloria

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