Sunday, October 6, 2013

...Just where we were left...

...That's where a prodigal will find those who love them; just where they last saw them - home.

I got to thinking about some prodigals I know. They are more gone than at home. Each time they stray farther and farther away from all that they know is true and right and good, to that which they think in their hearts, to be right, "but its end leads to death". Proverbs 14:12.

It's all rather unsettling to be aware of - when you're the one at home waiting.

Imagine what God must go through. As parents it isn't too difficult to imagine the pain and suffering prodigals go through. The abuse the prodigals suffer that they believe is normal, the isolation... The imagined pain is what sends a parent into despair, sleepless nights, brokenness - but God knows it all. He sees it all.

I got to thinking about what does a parent of a prodigal do?

What does God do? (Aren't we all prodigals?)

As a teacher I present lessons, exciting new information, dazzling new techniques promising phenomenal results - the entire dog and pony show; but I can't make my students receive a thing, (believe me I know). Likewise, with God and parenting. We can train, show by example, offer object lessons, ("If you don't stop smoking your lungs will look like tar!"); but the ball is totally in the little kiddies court to receive and change their attitude - change their heart. (God doesn't change a heart unless it's willing).

It's mind boggling. What don't they get. "Don't rock in that chair - it's not a rocking chair! Don't touch the fire! You will get burned!" Sometimes parents are there to watch these experiences of willful acts of disobeience; but they're there to offer gentle restoration, because the consequence of the disobedient act is at times discipline enough. Stitches, bad blisters. The job/call is not to say, "I told you so!", but "I can see that hurt when you... Here, let me help".

Sadly, sometimes the restoration isn't accepted or even acknowledged and the prodigal falls angrily again, and again... and builds a wall that encases them and walls out any restoration. They become delusional that their self-made cage is best and normal and all else is wrong and against them. They cry out, "Can't you see, I'm happy...Why won't you, mom - dad, just be happy for me?..."

So, what's the parent of a prodigal to do?

Like God the Father - love, allow them their free will - a.k.a. allow them to fall so they can learn from their own lessons to get back up; then wait and search the horizon, strain your neck and eyes to see them and then run with open arms when you spot them.

Will you come through the experience unscathed? It's doubtful. Stress and even the willful acts of disobedience of others, leave some ugly scars - on the heart... On the hands, the feet and the side... but "there is a balm in Gilead..." the balloon, children fly away...

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