My chalk drawing |
Preface: I am not excluded in this dissertation. I am just as guilty as the next guy or gal. I, however, have been wondering if anyone else has had the same thoughts...
Are you connected too? :-)
We are indeed a privileged society. We get attention when we want it, simply because we
Good Lord, how did we come to this?
Was it Mr. Rogers fault singing, "You Are Special", from Mr. Rogers Neighborhood? Did he create this mess? Methinks not. We are special, but we've taken this exclusivity to an unbelievable height that is unmatched by past societies.
We blog, tweet, text, Facebook, Instagram, share Pinterest, email and more all because we suppose someone out there cares about what we think of our ideas and photographs of our loved ones, (pets included) and/or "things" that we have that we think are special, (I have a young family member who showed off at least twenty pairs of shoes in his Facebook photos - indeed, Lord, have mercy).
People walk around endlessly with a cell phone, or Bluetooth connected to their ear, some 24/7 because
someone out there has got to hear from them. I drive to work at 5 in the morning and see people talking or texting while walking to the bus, while waiting for the bus or riding the bus and sometimes dangerously, while driving - not the bus, but
other drivers. People chat or text while in groups, or as they sit across from one another at restaurants. I have students who within seconds of the end of the day bell sounding are busy texting or calling someone. I like to think the dears are calling their parents - but not always - children don't always "talk" to their parents at least not face to face...
I "Yelp", (this is a site devoted to collecting the opinions of people, (they're called Yelpers)), and read Yelps about a variety of places. I suppose this could be free advertising for these places, but it too works in reverse - because the experience isn't always pleasant. Still, I suppose, like all of the other "Yelpers"; someone out there, in the great expanse, cares about what I think about any given place that I might happen to visit - not really.
Then there are those buttons on the sides of light posts at intersections where people can press a button to make the light change. Some think they
control time with these buttons. They press the button because they've arrived at the crosswalk and don't want to wait for the light to change. Or some good folk may simply step
arrogantly onto the crosswalk and into the street to make traffic STOP, so they can leisurely stroll across the street. I saw a woman do this today. She did a quick gesture with her hands and shook her head with annoyance as if she were the queen and the world was supposed to stop because she had arrived. Whatever happened to the day of waiting for the light to change - on its own! Or taking that leisurely stroll to the corner with the light and... waiting for the light to change - on its own.
...And I cannot forget the comments after the internet news articles - they go on and on, (I admit to skimming the actual news article and then skipping to the comments - the media is not news - it's fire starter). We can even rate them and like them or not.
We have ALL become so important and think so highly of ourselves OR... is it that we are afraid that we are not important at all and this endless barrage of electronics are efforts to
connect... Shots into the air to say like the Whos in Whoville; "We are here!" "We are here!" "We are here!" Remember, "A person is a person, no matter how small".
Are we waiting to be acknowledged in a society that no longer manages acknowledgment through traditional means of communication. Don't hold your breathe. Of course, there is a certain amount of anonymity when using electronic communications - that's why tweeting is sharp - like the tongue. Sometimes it is difficult to "
read" an email - humor and sarcasm usually do not translate, (I know).
In this world of electronic communication are we afraid of being lost in the billions of other voices shouting, "notice me, listen to me, see me..." So we clamor for attention like never before, because the technology avails itself for such a time as this... So, we take full advantage...
Have we forgotten or in some cases, some just never knew that God still is mindful of us and nothing we do escapes His eye, (chew on that for a moment - what would you do differently - especially, if you believe it). Are we so lost and broken that we haven't a clue that God sees ever tear and holds yours in His hand - Do you have to post it on Instagram in an effort to hurt others - speak directly with God about it - He has ideas - good ideas. God can number every hair on your head - even the ones you lost due to the stress of all of your troubles...
We are indeed special. We are so special to God. He is so eager to hear about everything you have to say. This I find mind boggling. That the God of all there was, and is, and to come, cares about what I think and what I do more than anyone I have ever known or will know. Astonishing.
The bottom line: Instead of seeking after the connections with mankind, we really should seek after a connection with the only One that matters most - God.
Connections do matter. We are loved and people do care, but in your desire to be connected 24/7 consider letting the electronic connections go for a relationship with God. When we experience our greatest lost, we benefit from a greater gain.
Till the glorious end and a victorious beginning,
My chalk drawing remembering 9/11 |