Saturday, December 14, 2013

The Gift of Time

A quiet, chilly early morn

On most gift giving occasions my husband, and children ask me the proverbial question: "What do you want?" One time when I didn't answer, my children, when they were very young, got me marzipan pigs, because my husband was convinced that I liked marzipan. I've never eaten marzipan nor have I ever tasted it, but I must have to know that I don't like it.

I used to ask my mom what she wanted, but she eventually had everything... Clothes, jewelry, perfumes, vases, glass flowers, slippers, stuff for the house, my pottery, my paintings, my drawings, (see art stays with a parent long after the child is all grown up - those A papers, those A math tests - GONE! But the art stayed:-). Still, after awhile, she didn't really want anything, but my time.

Time - a very precious commodity indeed.

Mr. Scott, our stepfather and dear mom
When my mom was yet with us, I admit, I was at times perturbed that mom always asked why I hadn't called her on any particular day, if I missed a day... She always wanted to know "when" I was coming next to see her - sometimes even before I had left from a visit... Oftentimes, she would delay my leaving by asking for some frivolous duty to be done, that would keep me by her side...  Now, I understand, why.

Time is very precious. You don't get to have it back, once it's spent. (I think I blogged about this before). Everyone gets only so much "time" to spend, but once it's spent it's gone - the moment is a memory or history or not or worst - wasted.

This season of giving - look to give what truly matters most - your precious time. Sit with someone, loved or just liked or an enemy or even a stranger and listen to what they have to say and insist that they listen to you too. Talk to them about what's important or even what's silly and make them laugh or let them cry with you. Don't stop the giving of your time with the end of this Christmas season, but get into the habit of "giving" your time - it's priceless - like Jesus.

Merry Christmas

Monday, November 4, 2013

Giving Thanks

In All Things Give Thanks

In this month, traditionally devoted to reflecting upon what has been given to us through no merit of our own; I have given some deep thought about times that I perceived as disadvantages that in reality were “open windows of opportunities as doors were closing”.
I only recently gave thought to open windows and closing doors concerning my career as the window opened at District 65 – Evanston, IL just as the door was closing at District 99 – Cicero, IL, seven years ago. I’ll never forget the day when Ms. Boyle, my principal at Unity, (our nations largest junior high divided into two separate campus – East and West. I worked on the west side), came to my classroom personally, and with an apologetic tone, in her voice, almost tearfully; told me that I was selected for RIF, (Reduction-in-force: A cost saving measure in corporations a.k.a. Last hired – first fired). I had just one more year before tenure, but the district was in trouble financially. They had taken on two additional assistant superintendents and needed to cut corners. They rescheduled the fine arts program and discovered they could make due with less teachers, so a tenure teacher was moving into my slot. DOOR!
I couldn’t believe it. I didn’t believe it.
The cold hard facts hit home when I stood before an unemployment clerk who exclaimed, “Oh, I can tell by the way you completed our application; you’re a good teacher”. I tried to maintain my composure, but something clicked in my head with the hearing of the words, “…you’re a good teacher”. I told the clerk through hot angry tears that being a “good teacher” was not enough. I turned on my heels and walked away.
I thought I had been a “good a teacher”. I had decorated my room with something different every rotation. I challenged my students to do things they had never done before – step outside the box of their little community and see the big wide wonderful world outside. Much to the chagrin of my colleagues. The entire floor had to come along as I organized field trips, (for nearly 200 students at a time), to galleries in Oak Park and got a restaurant to reduce their prices to provide a sit down meal with cloth napkins. It was one of those things everyone hated doing at the beginning, but thought it was the BEST by the end… I love taking the blinders off of students and staff who have been in the dark.
But this being pushed out of doors started even before Unity, when I was told by my then principal, Mr. Dziallo, of Wilson Elementary School, District 99 that I was being transferred from Wilson to Unity, after just one year. God! Hadn’t I done more than what was asked of me? Didn’t I bring art outside of the classroom. Didn’t I get great art on every floor. I arrived before my keycard let me into the building… I decorated the first floor with art on the windows with cellophane dragons that breathed fiery flames. I made even more dragons that wrapped completely around the art room… I did art shows with the students… I had the students create art from nothing, because I was met with no supplies, because somehow they all disappeared… It was indeed a magical time… But I stood before my principal crying, asking what had I done wrong… Pleading to be told what else I could have done to be more of what they wanted? I won’t forget the response. You don’t forget that look of, “Get a grip woman!” “You are being promoted… Your talents can be better used by the students and staff at Unity – this is a good move! Nina! This is not a punishment.” Exit door to the left…
Still, going through unknown windows is scary – especially, when doors that are familiar and seem to offer some solace from the storms; slam shut in your face. Nothing seems safe when your world is shaken. Then opportunity flickers like a small flame beckoning you to the window that is open…
When I taught English at the Illinois Youth Correctional Facility, St. Charles Boys Home – “You’re crazy! You want to dress up like a mime and have the students write… Can’t you just do the basics?!”… Slamming door
I remember my student teacher professor, (that was back in the dark ages). “You want to teach art to who? …The mentally retarded… Nina, you can’t do that…” DOOR CLOSED!
With each door there was an open window saying, “Opportunity this way…” At I.Y.C. St. Charles there was Ms. Miller who in all places, oddly encouraged creativity, (I remember that she had fiery red hair that was often teased to it’s heights, (this was the early 80’s)). There was Sue Cohen who gave into to my request and let me “teach” art at a Chicago Association for Retarded Citizens facility on the south side. They had a kiln that I learned to operate and I taught art between the small contract jobs.
To each of these closed doors I owe a debt of gratitude, because I learned skills, acquired a thicker hide, developed a tenacity about life, learned things about myself that I otherwise would have never learned, and more… Indeed, it was difficult going through the doors. I don’t naturally embrace change well. Particularly when the change comes  when I feel as if I'm doing what is most expected of me; when I believe my superiors are most pleased with my work. In this regard, I did not slack on my duties, or cause others distress. The door just came out of nowhere.
Still, after, (key word here), time, I am very thankful. Were it not for the circumstances of being pushed through the doors of life, I would undoubtedly be on the inside of some comfortable window seat, looking out on life, as it passed me by.
In all things, give thanks…
…I am okay
Nina Benson :-)
A door I photographed

I used this posting for my educational blog as we at: as it was appropriate in both settings. If you have time also visit my professional site, (it has lots of pictures of my art) at:

Sunday, October 6, 2013

...Just where we were left...

...That's where a prodigal will find those who love them; just where they last saw them - home.

I got to thinking about some prodigals I know. They are more gone than at home. Each time they stray farther and farther away from all that they know is true and right and good, to that which they think in their hearts, to be right, "but its end leads to death". Proverbs 14:12.

It's all rather unsettling to be aware of - when you're the one at home waiting.

Imagine what God must go through. As parents it isn't too difficult to imagine the pain and suffering prodigals go through. The abuse the prodigals suffer that they believe is normal, the isolation... The imagined pain is what sends a parent into despair, sleepless nights, brokenness - but God knows it all. He sees it all.

I got to thinking about what does a parent of a prodigal do?

What does God do? (Aren't we all prodigals?)

As a teacher I present lessons, exciting new information, dazzling new techniques promising phenomenal results - the entire dog and pony show; but I can't make my students receive a thing, (believe me I know). Likewise, with God and parenting. We can train, show by example, offer object lessons, ("If you don't stop smoking your lungs will look like tar!"); but the ball is totally in the little kiddies court to receive and change their attitude - change their heart. (God doesn't change a heart unless it's willing).

It's mind boggling. What don't they get. "Don't rock in that chair - it's not a rocking chair! Don't touch the fire! You will get burned!" Sometimes parents are there to watch these experiences of willful acts of disobeience; but they're there to offer gentle restoration, because the consequence of the disobedient act is at times discipline enough. Stitches, bad blisters. The job/call is not to say, "I told you so!", but "I can see that hurt when you... Here, let me help".

Sadly, sometimes the restoration isn't accepted or even acknowledged and the prodigal falls angrily again, and again... and builds a wall that encases them and walls out any restoration. They become delusional that their self-made cage is best and normal and all else is wrong and against them. They cry out, "Can't you see, I'm happy...Why won't you, mom - dad, just be happy for me?..."

So, what's the parent of a prodigal to do?

Like God the Father - love, allow them their free will - a.k.a. allow them to fall so they can learn from their own lessons to get back up; then wait and search the horizon, strain your neck and eyes to see them and then run with open arms when you spot them.

Will you come through the experience unscathed? It's doubtful. Stress and even the willful acts of disobedience of others, leave some ugly scars - on the heart... On the hands, the feet and the side... but "there is a balm in Gilead..." the balloon, children fly away...

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Are You Connected?

My chalk drawing
 Preface: I am not excluded in this dissertation. I am just as guilty as the next guy or gal. I, however, have been wondering if anyone else has had the same thoughts...

Are you connected too? :-)

We are indeed a privileged society. We get attention when we want it, simply because we are...

Good Lord, how did we come to this?

Was it Mr. Rogers fault singing, "You Are Special", from Mr. Rogers Neighborhood? Did he create this mess? Methinks not. We are special, but we've taken this exclusivity to an unbelievable height that is unmatched by past societies. 

We blog, tweet, text, Facebook, Instagram, share Pinterest, email and more all because we suppose someone out there cares about what we think of our ideas and photographs of our loved ones, (pets included) and/or "things" that we have that we think are special, (I have a young family member who showed off at least twenty pairs of shoes in his Facebook photos - indeed, Lord, have mercy).

People walk around endlessly with a cell phone, or Bluetooth connected to their ear, some 24/7 because someone out there has got to hear from them. I drive to work at 5 in the morning and see people talking or texting while walking to the bus, while waiting for the bus or riding the bus and sometimes dangerously, while driving - not the bus, but other drivers. People chat or text while in groups, or as they sit across from one another at restaurants. I have students who within seconds of the end of the day bell sounding are busy texting or calling someone. I like to think the dears are calling their parents - but not always - children don't always "talk" to their parents at least not face to face...

I "Yelp", (this is a site devoted to collecting the opinions of people, (they're called Yelpers)), and read Yelps about a variety of places. I suppose this could be free advertising for these places, but it too works in reverse - because the experience isn't always pleasant. Still, I suppose, like all of the other "Yelpers"; someone out there, in the great expanse, cares about what I think about any given place that I might happen to visit - not really.

Then there are those buttons on the sides of light posts at intersections where people can press a button to make the light change. Some think they control time with these buttons.  They press the button because they've arrived at the crosswalk and don't want to wait for the light to change. Or some good folk may simply step arrogantly onto the crosswalk and into the street to make traffic STOP, so they can leisurely stroll across the street. I saw a woman do this today. She did a quick gesture with her hands and shook her head with annoyance as if she were the queen and the world was supposed to stop because she had arrived. Whatever happened to the day of waiting for the light to change - on its own! Or taking that leisurely stroll to the corner with the light and... waiting for the light to change - on its own.

...And I cannot forget the comments after the internet news articles - they go on and on, (I admit to skimming the actual news article and then skipping to the comments - the media is not news - it's fire starter). We can even rate them and like them or not.

We have ALL become so important and think so highly of ourselves OR... is it that we are afraid that we are not important at all and this endless barrage of electronics are efforts to connect...  Shots into the air to say like the Whos in Whoville; "We are here!" "We are here!" "We are here!" Remember, "A person is a person, no matter how small".

Are we waiting to be acknowledged in a society that no longer manages acknowledgment through  traditional means of communication. Don't hold your breathe. Of course, there is a certain amount of anonymity when using electronic communications - that's why tweeting is sharp - like the tongue. Sometimes it is difficult to "read" an email - humor and sarcasm usually do not translate, (I know).

In this world of electronic communication are we afraid of being lost in the billions of other voices shouting, "notice me, listen to me, see me..." So we clamor for attention like never before, because the technology avails itself for such a time as this... So, we take full advantage...

Have we forgotten or in some cases, some just never knew that God still is mindful of us and nothing we do escapes His eye, (chew on that for a moment - what would you do differently - especially, if you believe it). Are we so lost and broken that we haven't a clue that God sees ever tear and holds yours in His hand - Do you have to post it on Instagram in an effort to hurt others - speak directly with God about it - He has ideas - good ideas. God can number every hair on your head - even the ones you lost due to the stress of all of your troubles...

We are indeed special. We are so special to God. He is so eager to hear about everything you have to say. This I find mind boggling. That the God of all there was, and is, and to come, cares about what I think and what I do more than anyone I have ever known or will know. Astonishing.

The bottom line: Instead of seeking after the connections with mankind, we really should seek after a connection with the only One that matters most - God.

Connections do matter. We are loved and people do care, but in your desire to be connected 24/7 consider letting the electronic connections go for a relationship with God. When we experience our greatest lost, we benefit from a greater gain.

Till the glorious end and a victorious beginning,

My chalk drawing remembering 9/11

Friday, August 30, 2013

A Surprise Birthday Gift, Gallbladder Surgery and the Will of God and What They All Have in Common

A very good friend moved out to North Carolina a few years ago and was none too happy – she knew no one, but of course, her husband and children. Sadly, she hadn’t connected with anyone in the short time that she lived there, so she was lonely for friendship.
(Aside) A wise pastor told me, not to expect my husband to be my all and all. A spouse, no matter how wonderful can’t be everything that the other has need of – that would be exhausting – not to mention impossible.
So what did this husband do when he saw the downcast state of his beloved? He assessed the situation and determined to surprise his wife with a little bit of friendship for her birthday. He brought me a round trip plane ticket so that I might come out for a visit. No, he didn’t buy his wife a ticket, she would have come up with 100 and 1 reasons why she couldn’t leave home for something as frivolous as a trip to someplace familiar... So SURPRISE!
Out of the car in NC
I went... but I don't travel, at least, I don't like to travel. I don't like staying away from my home, a.k.a. my own bed. I am not a fan of flying, (I'm over fifty and I've flown only five times)... But I went... My friend and I had a great time, just hanging out... 

 I got back HOME...sweet home - be it ever so humble... just in time for surgery the next day... But doctor that's not how the doctor on the Youtube video did the surgery...
I just want to go home... It's so allusive...
I was so groggy after the surgery. I was not in my right mind, but I knew I was HOME. There was my pillow... where I could lay me down to rest...
Less than a week God spoke to another friend. Get thee to Toronto. Take Nina!
The Castle Loma
But Lord, I don't travel! You know that!... 
Not my will, but Thine. What am I supposed to see... How far away home is... To make my heart yearn for that which I took for granted... 
This time six days nearly 600 pictures...
Back at work... The new guy ask, "So what was your favorite trip?"
I thought for a few seconds...
'My trip home!'
It always felt so good to come back home. And now with a week of
Sky - foretaste
teaching completed; every night feels simply wonderful... To come home, (even with grading or presentations to get together). Admittedly so; home sometimes is mod podge of eclectic collected stuff, (actually a lot less - hubby got a dumpster while I was NC), but still that which is familiar. The drive home often doesn't seem as stress-filled as the drive to school because I'm going home!
It's not that home is so big, or fancy/special - it's what it represents to me - a place where I am loved, safe, forgiven, valued. My heart truly yearns for my "real" Home... Home with my Heavenly Father/God...
I've enjoyed visiting and going to all the  new place. I have over 600 pictures to share, but HOME is indeed the best.
Does your heart yearn for HOME? I hope it does - there's no place like it..

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Time Brings About a Change...

My mom often said  little "Proverbial mom-isms".

"Time brings about a change".

What does this mean? (A good question from the catechism).

Answer: Simple! Things change with time.

Riding in Oak Park in my 4th July Tee. The police followed a bit.

This blog was originally created as a requirement for my EDU560 class from Dominican University. (Great class, by the way). As stated in a previous post, now that the class is complete... I simply
couldn't let it die... So, it's original intent has changed with time :-)

We travel back to Batavia, IL, our home of nearly 15 years; for fireworks every Fourth of July, (the best). We anticipate over-eating from the concession stands, (we must have kettle-corn from that giant black cauldron). We buy over-priced glow-sticks to wave and dance about as children work themselves into a frenzy - getting excited as the fireflies come out. We listen to music so carefully orchestrated to match each kaboom! (Off this year). We "oo and ah" with each flashing spectacle of color-filled lights - commemorating our nations birth.

Does anyone remember how old she is? 
Batavia, IL fireworks - the BEST!

Does anybody remember exactly why we celebrate? Or has it become just another day to gather among friends and family around the open pit of fire to offer the sacrificial meat, share a brew or two and throw the sacred disk through the air... Only to gather at night in an open park, laying down on plaid fleece blankets, (after spraying bug repellent everywhere) - looking up into the darken sky to see the 'flashing spectacle of color-filled lights' - across the night sky...

Just change the setting and it could be Christmas or Easter or even Thanksgiving... 

I'm not saying any of this is wrong. Let me be the first to say I think it's great that we gather with friends and family to share meals and good times, (we should do this every week or so), but; because we gather on a specific day, does any one stop to ponder the why. Surely, we don't need a reason to gather with friends and family - which is kind of my point. It doesn't seem like we have a reason anymore...

Before the start of the fireworks show, you hear the garbled voice of the announcer for everyone to stand for the national anthem... The majority of people stand, but not everyone. Men and boys no longer remove their caps, but worse, many people don't sing the anthem. Many people simply stand and continue their conversations as children continue their play with the glow-sticks. It's like we have been conditioned to stand, because this is what we must do to start the fireworks, but; respect, remembering, being reverent ... Nope, not necessary.

I pondered how much has changed with our nation, just this year...

Core values... Long gone. The core was the family, but the family has left the building with Elvis.

Moral code - Really!?! Ethics - determined more by the media than what we inherently know to be true and right - we lay down and play dead to those who have no right making such determinations - we are subjugated. Of course, the, to whom is a very BIG question.

Shared common belief - Remember, "...One nation under God...". Are we a nation? Are we under God any more? What does this mean? (I love this question). That would mean, we submit to God - but no one seems to concur on this topic. Yes, I have a definite opinion, but this post is simply for sharing questions for you to chew on - that's what it means to ponder - to chew upon like jerky or rawhide, (this is my definition - not Webster's).

In truth has anything really changed since the beginning of time? "...There is no new thing under the sun." Ecclesiastes 1:9. So, why am I dismayed? Why am I disappointed... Because it feels as if we have moved so far to the left, so far away from true north...

Am I alone with this view? I felt so overwhelmed when I looked around during the fireworks - even the music seemed off this year. It's like there are folks who see what's going on, but like the sound it's all muffled, garbled. There is a dis-connect. No one hears, no one understands, no one says, "Wait a minute; we're missing something" - something that's supposed to connect what we're seeing up in the sky... the 'flashing spectacle of color-filled lights'...

...Should the good Lord tarry, there will be another Fourth of July. I wonder what will be different then - to be sure, it will be nothing new under the sun - maybe worst, maybe better.

I'm hopeful - we can make a difference - one pebble in the container at a time.

Mom also said, "It's a good life, if you don't weaken"

Stay strong - Finish strong!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Blabberize - Has nothing to do with EXERCISE!

Ms. Orange is back and she has now been properly introduced via Blabberize. (Not Blabbercize Nina!)

Blabberize! What's a Blabberize?

It's taking a still picture and making it talk. Some way electronically and digitally via programing you can make the mouth of your character move. You can then record your voice and/or the voice of whomever, singing, talking, screaming, crying... You get the picture, (haha, no pun intended).

You can also see the educational applications of this a mile away. You can take pictures of your students or use animals, (this of course is meant, as no reflection upon your students, just to protect their identities). Next record a story or phrase with a purpose using their voices or something electronic, and ta-da! You have a Blabberize! Here's their website:

...And here's my Blabberize:

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Let's Reflect: Did the Fat Lady Dance Yet?...

Photo by me

I can't sleep again!


Because there's work yet to be done! ...And sleep is for those whose work is done - that's when there is rest. A point at which one exhales with relief.

I preempted the conclusion of class with a celebratory meal of shrimp from Troha's. (You've just got to go there I can't believe I ate the whole order. Hence, the true reason my sleep was interrupted, add to this, a tad bit of stress, since I have one more thing to do....

This is supposed to be my last post for my class, (I think some of my colleagues at my school are breathing a sigh of relief, because they've been reading these little notes, out of courtesy - "...She's old,.. humor her")...

At the onset of class, I remember asking, was it necessary to maintain the blog once the class was complete; but I now feel like... 'How can I take it down, how can I stop?'

My Free Art Friday Sample

It's alive! It's ALIVE!

I really like this means of communicating. Believe it or not, I am a bit of an introvert, ("Yeah right!" I am folks... really, I am!), but give me this "Mr. Mic" of the 21st century and all inhibition fall to the ground.

Tech in Ed, (sounds like a toy); is a bridge to possibilities, endless possibilities, (much like art).

Once upon a time, before I took this class, I thought technology was more of an add on, to ones instruction and yet with just five weeks of classes I see so many more benefits and understand that the dance between the two - the integration of tech and education should be more fluid, not just an accessory. There are so many FREE programs available that can enhance a students learning.

No, no, no, no!

I'm not saying that we should throw out the baby with the bath water or that we should be entertaining the dears with bells and whistles, but it's like offering options, because like it or not folks - look around you... Our students are different learners from even five years ago.

The brain of the child today is indeed wired differently. Just look at any child at the store in a shopping cart or sitting in a restaurant; they are pushing at buttons and/or looking at a screen. Some of you may not like it. You don't have to, no one is asking your permission - it simply is.

And all this from an art teacher!

I'm not saying we cast aside classical teaching style with the record player, (you can't beat the sound of vinyl), just adapt and you may be surprised that you can reach a few more dears than before.

...Well, I remember a time when listening to the radio, (it was a huge wooden box with fabric on it), during the last fifteen minutes of class, was integrating technology - this was back in the early 60's. It didn't replace Mrs. Parrish reading to us, (although, she didn't do sound effects like the radio), we loved both. Both made me a lover of books. The two offerings complemented each other - it was the dance and dancers need partners. A dance can be beautiful done by one - it's different, but done with another, enhances the enjoyment. Thus, technology with traditional education techniques cements the learning experience. It's the: teach a child to read a story aloud, write a summary, then draw a comic page about the favorite part. The learning is cemented in the brain.  

I am a classical sort of teacher and learner for that matter. I like instructing/demonstrating - hands on. I like to see children create with their hands, however, offering technology as an option is like offering colored pencils instead of just crayons; or clay instead of just building blocks. It's an option.

Of course, the problem comes in when there isn't enough tech tools for everyone. I have a potter's wheel - only one student can use it at a time. I wish I had at least ten or twelve more - that way I could have hand builders and pot throwers. Now, I have a one-to-one tool while 24 others stand and watch. Still, if you want to have technology in your classroom there's folks who are willing to get it into your hands. I have resources on my webpage that seem to make wishes come true at just a click.

Indeed, this has been a wild ride for me. I took this class, EDU560 and EDU655, Language and Culture, for track movement requirements, (after the fact, I was told I could have taken graduate level art classes, since I am an art teacher). Still, I was where I was supposed to be. The experience has been life changing - all education should be - actually just waking up in the morning should be life changing. With each new day comes new opportunities to try again; to make a difference in at least one person's life. Of course, the change could be on the flip side - you can choose to be open to a new thought/perspective, at least one; it's how we keep moving forward.

Tomorrow is just the beginning...

Photo taken be me, sky arrangement by God

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Mobile Devices: To be or Not to Be

This is my presentation on Mobile Devices:

Mobile devices are usually electronic hand held gadgets created to enhance, educate, make life easier and more. The educational possibilities are endless, as these devices are in schools worldwide. They are used to assist in the teaching of all subjects. Students of all ages use any one of a variety of mobile devices in classes. Teachers use mobile devices as well - as a means of distributing information/lessons and give a new twist to making lessons visual. Information is also shared with staff and parents via mobile devices.

There are pros and cons to the use of mobile devices that teachers but more so parents should be aware of and thus regulate. As adults we provide the technology, however, we must not randomly and freely provide such devices without responsibility. Students/children must be taught the proper use of these devices just as we must teach these entrusted to us on the use of a meat cleaver or power tool, or even a potter's wheel.

A mobile device is a tool to provide a piece of a lesson; like part of a recipe - not the entire cake instantaneously, we all have to work at it to make everything come together; parent, teachers and students.

What follows is just a sampling of resources available: A teachers guide to technology A smorgasbord of ideas brought to by Microsoft Need a little help getting technology up and running in your classroom - this is your site!
Brace yourself... We all want to have fun sometime - Go ahead let the kiddies have some fun - they're learning and won't even realize it, until it's in their heads ;-) This keeps the darling busy with learning - but don't forget to read them a book at night :-)

...And now the prezi

...And these are some examples of mobile devices that I made :-) Of course, not the toys, but the mobile devices they have on their "bodies".

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Let's pause to REFLECT... To tweet or not to tweet

I feel like such a stalker - standing on the perimeter of everyone's life and reading over their shoulder about their days... But you can pick up tasty morsels that are simply too "tweet" to pass up,  (I just couldn't resist).

Here's an aside: I wonder if they, (whoever they are), are ever going to come up with a smell sensory computer. So, when you type in cotton candy one smells cotton candy.

Well back to the reflective post... I follow several groups and/or people, most dealing with education and/or matters of Christianity. I am focusing upon "educational" tweets of the MCA, Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago.

The MCA has exceptional resources and are a grand support to teachers, but of course in particularly to art teachers. They offer professional development to teachers throughout the school year and are very thoughtful and provide free parking and light refreshments for participants. They give us ample time to roam through the museum and also offer guided tours with plenty of discussion.

I have often come away from a PD with the MCA feeling respected, refreshed and given opportunities for new ideas for my students. They also provide programs for students and are eager for us to bring them into the museum free of charge and even provide busing for the Chicago Public Schools.

The majority of the MCA's tweets are about their continuous programs, (it's like they have something going every week). Here is a link so that you may visit their site; but remember to check out their teacher programs under education. They even have programs during the summer. The link/tweet was directly from the MCA