Another Hard Question...
by Nina B.
Church... I know the poor is something that Jesus said, "....we would always have with us..."; but what do you do, since the context was, while He was with them then, (back then), take heart with Him, because the woman who was anointing Jesus had opportunity to do so then... However, now as Christ is with us now, what do we do now, when He gives us opportunity to do for the poor?
I rode the train home, as usual, after a long emotional week of just work stuff... I won't even begin to go into it, for it is too much, too deep, (but do pray - Father hears). I saw a young man of at least twenty something, bundled up, (yes, because it's cold) - but layered with what seemed like all he had, but, he also had a younger child, about eight years old, with him also layered up. Both carried backpacks that seemed over stuffed and other bags of sorts - stuffed. They both sat down at the opposite end of the train car - seemingly tired. They got off a few stops before mine...
What do you do? Because the poor will be always with us, what opportunity is in front of you...
Soli Deo Gloria