By Nina Benson
was about to get out on my bike and go for early morning bike ride before
traffic got busy, then I remembered that I hadn’t taken my morning herbs, (how
could I forget my herbs!). Before I even got to my bike, I turned around,
closed the garage door and proceeded with my ten minute routine. After my
herbs, I remembered I wanted to “reconstitute” some hardened clay and I knew
that an hour and a half, (the length of time of my ride), would aid with the
process, …. So, what was another five minute delay? I went to the basement,
collected the hardened clay in a bucket and was about to go outside to the
garden hose… That's when I knew my routine was going to be further interrupted. It was
checked my weather app first thing this morning and it said NO RAIN for the day! At least not in the morning.
is back from China and was coming down the stairs and was surprised that I was
yet at home. I explained how I returned for my herbs and then remembered the clay
in the basement, but was stopped because of the rain. I told him my “”
weather app said, "no rain" and even went so far as to show him. I was miffed! He
jokingly mused, I guess your “accuweather”
app wasn’t so accurate.
I was on a roll. I showed him the hourly weather predictions and showed him how
ALL the little umbrellas were closed until afternoon and that the app even
showed a sunny day with light clouds… With his dry tone, “…but your app is
wrong, it is raining…” I said in a defeated tone, ‘But the umbrellas are closed. See how it looks when it’s
raining’, I showed him the later predictions for the afternoon. That's when they're open!
honey, go for your bike ride…. Believe your app. It’s not raining”, he said.
isn’t that what we do with much of life’, I said through a disillusioned smile.
the rain is falling, but I wanted to believe otherwise, because of my routine,
my agenda. I wanted to argue my point however blatantly wrong.
is what we do with sin. We rather believe what isn’t true, what isn’t right,
what isn’t of God; so that we can do as we will.
could have gone out for my bike ride, but I would have gotten wet. Sin usually
isn’t that obvious. Sometimes, folks get knee deep or worse, stuck and broken
before they realize the truth and suffer the natural consequences of their actions
and then they blame God! (Odd: People don’t want anything to do with God when
they have free will to do all the sin they please, but point the accusing
finger at God when those choices come in for payment. And sinful choices always
demand payment due).
God doesn’t leave us knee deep, stuck and broken in our sin. Again we have free will to turn away from sin and reach out to Jesus for salvation, healing, redemption, restoration, His
can believe your app or what you know
is truth
Soli Deo Gloria