Thursday, January 1, 2015

Let's Keep It Real

Let’s Keep It Real
By Nina Benson
I have a niece who is known for saying, “I’m just trying to keep it real Aunt T” aka; I’m merely being totally, unabashedly honest so that you get the full picture.
Sometimes in this walk, we need this in-your-face type of honesty, because we tend to sidestep the truth, in an effort to avoid… the pain, or doing what we're supposed to do, or whatever, you fill in the blank…
The other day I had the opportunity to get on my trusty bike because temperatures rose into the 50’s for just the day. I rode for about five miles, enjoying the warmth of the sun and blue skies. I had my headphones on listening to a Christian music station and I was surprised at what I didn’t hear – not one Christmas song; even though it was just one day after Christmas. I thought surely, I would hear some reference to the day that is a pinnacle of the Christian faith – but nothing.
I confess that I am a Christmas Scrooge. Before you get worried – it’s not that I don’t believe in the Miracle – of course I do, however, the commercialism of Christmas is unbearable for me. I don’t know if it’s my advancing years, but I don’t particular enjoy seeing houses decorated with light shows that compete with the lights of Las Vegas with the Star Wars theme playing in the background. I can not stand hearing Silent Night done 101 different ways – from techno to Lil Wayne, to Lady Gaga to Disco to Mickey Mouse, and more… Really? And most folks would agree that starting Christmas in the stores after Halloween is a bit much. This year Christmas and Thanksgiving were tandem in the aisles. I don’t know why someone hasn’t come up with a turkey dressed up like Santa Claus as a centerpiece. Oh yeah, because they can still make twice the money if they keep them separate.

Okay, what’s my point? Christmas is over and everything is slowly disappearing for another year…
But that’s my point - Christmas shouldn’t be disappearing.
For nearly an hour I rode my bike and didn’t hear anything to the reference of the birth of Christ. There are songs that reference the Miracle- the unbelievable Gift of God to a sin sick world, that aren’t the traditional hymns of Christmas; but like Handel’s Messiah, which can be listened and pondered everyday from Christmas to Easter and everyday in between.
We need to consider what is real about Christmas and fall prostrate in awe when we really see what Christmas is about and how it doesn’t simply end the evening of the big family gathering.
Pastor Raj from the Oak Park Chinese Bible Church gave his congregation thoughts to ponder a couple Sundays before Christmas: Mary was real. A frighten young woman, probably barely out of her youth – pregnant under very questionable circumstances. Folks today wouldn’t bat an eye – but, back then she was supposed to be stoned, (I think her mother too). She was pregnant with her first child and was going on a camping trip with her betrothed. A two-three week journey by foot, (the Bible makes no mention of her perched on a donkey, (nice card – but not true). Ladies, you want to go on a walking trip at say, nearly eight plus months pregnant and camp out under the stars. Then there’s Joseph. Good Lord man, you believed what that girl told you? Can you imagine for a second the ridicule he got? How dumb can you be? Scripture mentions no close family, other than Elizabeth, whom was pregnant in her old age, (with John the Baptist). The angel of the Lord told Mary about this miracle and suggested that she go and visit her - to help her, (I think God gave her busy work, to keep her focused on other things – Elizabeth’s pregnancy, rather than the thing that He was handling – He didn’t need Mary fretting about what was going on with her – she needed confirmation and something to keep her mind occupied). Then there’s the place to have the Baby Jesus and those shepherds showing up… The Wise men didn’t show for some time after, (again makes for cute cards but not true to the REAL story). I could go on, but I think you get the picture – the real picture.
Why can’t we keep Christmas REAL 24/7, just like Jesus’ death and resurrection? Why not be a shepherd and share this great news! Jesus is the reason for the season, so let’s keep Him REAL! 
Nichole Norderman - Real
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year