Sunday, August 24, 2014

I Can...

Last week I went to get on my trusty trike to take my usual ride about the neighborhood, but had quite the start one particular morning. I went out to the garage to get my wheels, (I sport a Schwinn Jaguar), but there right in the middle of the driveway, between the two vehicles where I would need to roll my trike, was a squirrel curled up in a ball so that it looked like it was sleeping. I made a loud sound so that it would move, but nothing. I thought I might get a stick
Hey, are you sleeping Mr. Squirrel?
and move it, but I had opened the garage automatically from the house and I didn’t want it to run in so it could set up residence, so... I went back into the house closed the garage door, went back to the squirrel, made noises, stomped my foot – nada, so... 
I went back to the house and got Seth who was sleeping because it was a tad before 6am, (late for my ride). Why pray tell did I get Seth. I don’t generally handle animals tame or wild. Seth fancies himself as Crocodile Dundee of sorts. He was handling wild baby raccoons at three! So, Seth was the man of the hour. My sister always says, “God watches over babies and fools…”
Seth was none too happy, but intrigued, I could tell. So my words to him as we walking out the door were, ‘we’re not keeping the squirrel as a pet!’ …And just as I said, there was the squirrel… now under the car, right in line with the wheel. It had a death wish...
Why me? I can’t even move the car without…
Seth eventually got the squirrel into a bucket, because it was an injured squirrel, however, it used all of its strength and hopped around like a rabbit in the yard, but eventually succumbed to its injuries and died. We named it Bob.
I left on my bike ride before its demise and saw Carla from church, (I ride pass her house everyday on my trek). She was putting out recycling. I had put ours out the night before. Putting out the recycling and such are new duties for me. With Stephen gone on a mission trip until January, I’ve had to take on new duties. I had to share what just happened, so told Carla and she asked what did I do? I told her, I initially told myself, ‘I can do this’; but eventually, got Seth to do the job. But with Stephen gone, I just set my mine and tell myself that I can do this or that, I have to… She agreed, as she too, has had to set her mind to do this or that.
I rode away - but a light bulb came on in my head. I actually don’t “do” – God does! This HUGE fact was pointed out to me nearly 30 years ago, when a friend’s dad gave me the comeback of the century, countering my boasting of carrying for my then two very small children, working full time and working on a master’s degree. I had said, ‘I don’t know how I do it all?’ (You can almost hear my haughtiness – I was so foolish). This older gentleman said emphatically, “You don’t”. I have never forgotten that admonition.
I say, ‘I can do this!’ But in reality “I can’t ”. (Dare I say, anyone who says he can, is foolish), but truly God can and does for those who know HIM.
So Carla and anyone who is a child of the most high God, because we are His, we can indeed do whatever He directs us to do for whatever season we are in. Our Father, God has us where we are for such a time as now - equipping, (now this is a word that needs further study. What does it mean or what does it take, for us to be “equipped” by God? Chew on that for a bit.), us to do whatever it is, within our circle of influence, to further His kingdom.
I can because God does – I am simply the conduit.
Hmmm. Food for thought:
What do you do? What can you do? What are you doing instead of what you're supposed to be doing and why? And what are you going to do now?