Thursday, July 31, 2014

Storms: We Must Experience the Clouds to See the Silver Lining

Be Careful for What You Pray For
By Nina Benson

Very few folks who are given over to beseeching the Lord, knowingly pray for adverse circumstances. Prayers are usually praises, and/or “wish lists”. Sadly, our prayers, my prayers; are a list of things I want, with little to no consideration for what God may want. It’s funny, God just wants to hang out with me and help me to understand and know Him better. He’s relational that way.
I asked my eighteen year old the other day, ‘Do you know anything about me?’I was thinking more than the basics, (I'm the mom: I work, I cook, I clean, etc.) I recognized our communication as being unidirectional – his way - to me - about his wants, his hopes and demands. In and of itself, this communication isn’t so bad, however, the dear boy is at an age where he is able to listen as well and we can have an exchange of ideas and grow. Likewise, I know that God listens to my crazy ramblings and suggestions/demands; however, does not need to act upon them at all. In fact I’ve been wondering, ….‘What if, I asked God, what was on His mind for me… and respond with a, ‘Let’s do this!’ But wait a minute – that’s if it’s all good… But sometime, (most times), God isn’t all about being warm and fuzzy. He’s not even really interested in what we think might make us happy, (He'll listen, however, He never promised happiness - it's so temporal - like of this earth... But joy from the Lord is eternal and has the potential to be internal!) – He’s God! And God knows exactly what we need – in order to see Him more clearly, to know Him more intimately.

Photographed by me while driving into a storm

I was coming home the other day after dropping off son number one at his place, and in front  of me, on the return trip, was a major storm. It looked frightening as it moved across the sky with lightening speed, (pun intended). As I drove straight for it – it just kept getting darker and larger and ominous – It felt like I was going to be eaten alive and what made it worse, I was willingly driving straight for it. I wanted to get home.
Driving straight for what appears to be sure harm or worse, death, is not at all recommended, however, sometimes, if the heart is ready, (and only God know this), then get ready – God is in control, and He promised that He will never leave you, nor forsake you. God has got you covered
It’s not easy at all to let go and let God, especially under crazy circumstance, but that’s the only life to live – covered by  His grace 24/7
Living recklessly, while covered under grace 
Read Romans 8:28-39 God's Word says it so much better than I. :-)