Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Something New for the Season of Lent

First I must explain - I really enjoy the changes of the seasons here in the midwest. However, I don’t particularly care for summer, (there’s only so much one can remove to be comfortable and I’m not a fan of air conditioning)…  But the changes that occur - differences envelop all of my senses as I walk around hearing the crunch of leaves under foot in autumn. I dress in layers often - but to feel a biting crisp gust of wind across my face… Sometimes, it is literally - breathtaking. The smell of the earth during a gentle rain, accompanied with the quiet patter of rain falling on brightly colored yellow green new leaves in spring…I have been known to let that rain hit me full face when the sun pops out from behind the dancing clouds - The birds play or so they seem to… maybe they are just washing themselves as they splash about. Me too! I go out in knee-high rain boots and splash confidently in puddles when I presume no one is looking, but my Heavenly Father. He takes delight in me… In the summer my eyes feast on a plethora of shades and tones of greens… Yes, the other colors of summer are amazing - the deep reds that seem like velvet - It’s no wonder mankind tries so hard to replicate what Father does with ease… And winter - my favorite time of year. The earth seems to rest. The snow of course, (remember I dress in layers - lots of them)… Its descent downward from the sky… I watch it slowly dance as the crystals catch the sunlight as I wait for a train. I marvel that each one is different. Some of you are wondering - how do you know that Nina? I believe this to be true, because - look at the image bearers around you... We, throughout all of time are - all different. Unique. Yes, there are doppelgängers, but even these folks are not replicas/clones of each other - there are differences… My point to this very long introduction is I like seasons - I suppose… I like some change.

Additionally, seasons at least when they are coming, offer the opportunity for anticipation - hope. The joy of experiencing the upcoming. It’s the prep work of life. Some things I find pleasure in - the getting ready, like for a trip, (I enjoy riding the rails and pack about a 1-2 weeks in advance of traveling), or laying out various colored cloths for hand quilting, …or when cooking. I have been known to study a recipe and research alternatives for my liking and then when the cooking day comes - it’s just enjoyable. Simple. This is when I can prepare. I don’t understand how some people live without preparation - planning for seasons of life - but live by the seat of their pants, as if it were; and seem to care little for wherever that may be or who it affects. I totally understand that random unexpected stuff happens and I surely must react quickly - I must do something… but I see people everyday, (if I venture outside), who seem to be just waiting for the next bump from a bumper car to push them is a new direction… lest they stand still - going no where. Stuck. Either way, with seasons that occur with regularity, (quarterly weather seasons or life seasons), I know what to expect, I can plan - usually.

Segue: Planning and Jesus knows our every day… (there is no surprising Father God).

God is Omniscient, and Omnipresent.

Seasons pass time. Time is for our benefit.

During the season of Lent, (my favorite season for many reasons… The remembering the Cost… The cause and effect of my choices… The Blood-His Blood… The Forgiveness… The new beginnings…); I have opportunity to focus on specific Biblically historic persons, and while I enjoy the change of seasons due to time and examine their effects upon me… I choose to step into the shoes of Biblical characters during the “Season of Lent” to see the time through their eyes…and see if I can see what they saw or in one of the cases will I miss the boat as well… 

Matthew 17 - The Transfiguration

Peter, James and John - they saw Jesus transfigured and likewise Moses and Elijah…, (am I the only who wonders - how did the three know that they were looking at Moses and Elijah - They knew Jesus, but Moses and Elijah?…).  They heard from “a bright cloud” a Voice that said, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye Him.” Then “the disciples fell on their face, and were sore afraid.” In this declaration, Father God was emphatically stating Who Jesus was/is, not just to dear Peter, James and John, but to the spiritual realm, (Psalms 68), as well, (since they - the spiritual realm -are not omniscient - at all nor omnipresent).

In this season, Matthew 17, Jesus prepares the disciples for what’s to come of Him, yet still teaching them and healing, but in the end - prior to His resurrection they did not seem to perceive the season that was coming - even though Jesus gave them special insight… But, Jesus knew this. He knew their reactions, their fears, their unimaginable horrors, their deep grief… I can only suppose it was the seasoning necessary to be added to their lives to make them into the saints that would carry the Gospel into the nations at any cost - even their lives. You’ve heard it said, “No man dies for a lie”. They had to go through all the turmoil to make them into the people Jesus knew they would become. 

The season you’re going through - it’s making you into something useful for the Lord. Is it easy, fun delightful? NO - at least, not always. The season is necessary because without every step you would not become who you are to Father God - beloved and so important to Him. Does Father God need you to accomplish His will - No! But He chooses to use you - chooses to use me, (I am blown away all the time - I am the queen of mess-ups aka sin - go back to July 2016 - and I’ve had lower points since then too). Father God takes the low, the broken, the ugly, the young, the old, the misshapen, the presumed crazy, He used a donkey once to speak His message -Numbers 22:21-39. You do get my point?… Father God can use whoever and whatever He wants! He’s God - He always has been and will always be. Period. Seasons

John 20:1-18 The Empty Tomb and Mary Magdalene (the grave clothes interest me as well - but a discussion for another time).

I know I’m getting way ahead in this season of Lent… But I got to thinking about Mary Magdalene. She saw angels! And was unfazed because she was determined to find her Jesus. 

Such grief.

Sit with this for a moment.

She saw angels… Then she saw Jesus! Through tears. Through the pain of watching Jesus be beaten and crucified… All she knew at that moment was - someone had taken Jesus’ body… She just wanted to be with Him - even though He was dead - for just a moment more…

Dear Mary Magdalene thought that This Gardener took the body of Jesus and that she, herself; would carry Him back… 

Then Jesus said her name…

Lord, how sweet, how very lovingly sweet - to hear one’s name spoken by One whom you thought was lost to you forever… (I think on that Great Day - we shall hear the trumpet call for HOME and our names will be spoken with such love as when Mary Magdalene heard her name). 

Such unimaginable JOY!

And Jesus gave this moment to Mary Magdalene because of love and He knew she would not soil Him with her touch, but she did not know this of herself. But she obeyed.

And so, just as the lowly shepherds, (a motley crew), announced the birth of Jesus… Mary Magdalene a woman of very questionable choices, but surely delivered and redeemed and loved; announced to the disciples that “she had seen the Lord”. 

The seasons she had experienced, all of them, brought her to that beautiful glorious day… 

Mind blowing.

What are your seasons?

I pray that Father God is in all of them, even though you may not see such… He really is… Really.

Remember the Cost of this season of Lent.

Soli Deo Gloria



This is NOT moldy bread… It’s my

attempt at sourdough bread, in case there’s a question.

It’s very tasty. 🙃

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Something Old for Feb - But Not: Thoughts on Love & Forgiveness

For the purposes of this walk through my head, I’m studying: Psalm 51, (King David’s open letter to God about his sin with Bathsheba - Side note observation: Did she know her husband Uriah, had returned from battle when King David sent him to her? Was she privy to King David’s plan? Methinks not), Matthew 18:21-35, (the unforgiving servant), Romans 4, (imputed righteousness/justification), Galatians 5, (living by the Spirit), and 1 Corinthians 15, (the Good News)

Some speak of February as the month of LOVE … Shouldn’t love, (an action word btw), be the thing that all people do all of the time? I suppose we all do, just in hundreds of different ways. However, we lessen the meaning of the definition of love by applying it to things we eat, wear, hear, use, see, and smell… 

Love gets lost in the translation. 

Likewise, shouldn’t we forgive because of love? Many do not - really. Holding out on forgiveness is something that we suppose is due for a wrong committed or a game played. As Christ followers, we behave as if we have the right or duty to withhold forgiveness, (and before you get your stuff twisted in a knot - I have a few “yeah but…” stories of my own)… Some people believe themselves to be so lovable - like, who would not love them? And so, they would never do anything to need forgiveness, (you know exactly who I’m talking about…). I think the issue again is the various self-definitions of the terms, (love & forgiveness), and the perception that people have of themselves. 

Father God extends Grace & Mercy…Sacrificial Love. He, being GOD is Perfect and gives and acts from this vantage point - Perfection. (Read this next part slowly)…Many bring God down to our level - human, and think we give the same love as God - but - shocker -God calls us evil, (Matthew 7:11). Rightfully so, because we are fallen and sinful - we suppose we are loving and forgiving perfectly. We are not. EVERYTHING since the fall is tainted with sin. Everything is fallen. Everything is nothing close to what was, before the fall. 

(Minor problem: The next thoughts are from my “notes” which I copied and pasted but, I can’t get the font nor size the same.)

 If I can offer some thoughts…Very little in life truly satisfies… This is life post-the-fall. While there are good created things all around us - it’s all tainted… We - sin tainted people, have corrupted EVERYTHING …. So, we seek after what was promised from the devil - having “it” all and he NEVER delivers because he can’t… he’s NOT GOD! ….So, we yearn for something this world can not give… (think about that for a minute). Other folks give messed up tainted love and/or a love that lacks sacrifice. In truth, we do get glimmers and even give love, but that’s only because of the Grace of God… God is only good.    

I think this is the way of life… Realizing this world/life, offers less, satisfies less and less each day, so that our grip on this world/life, the hold-out for something better; can be loosened for what God has in store for His children - what He had planned - pre-fall … 

…Heaven/Paradise/Perfection… Satisfaction… LOVE! And being complete in Christ Jesus because of what He did on the cross… His acceptance of our punishment - death; was THE GREATEST EXCHANGE there ever was, (Romans 4). We literally and figuratively, get to put on Christ and be the better us we were meant to be, pre-fall… but, until that transition, (by death or Rapture), we should continue to live IN purpose - Father God’s purpose, because NOTHING ELSE SATISFIES! NOTHING! We can open our hands, (loosening that grip on the world/life), to receive God’s goodness. God’s love. God’s forgiveness.

Everyday this is what compels me to rise… There is nothing for me that satisfies- even my art-ing - because I see imperfections - first and foremost in myself, and as I walk about I see many broken, selfish, crazy folks. Folks who are looking to be satisfied by any means… These folks are everywhere - churches, trains, planes, restaurants, on the streets, running, in stores, walking and talking to their dogs as they push them in strollers, in cars - trying to be satisfied and/or in some cases trying to BE the satisfy-er….      

Satisfaction vs Purpose 

This world is not our Forever Home

Just food for thought - maybe


Soli Deo Gloria

Monday, February 10, 2025

Something New and Different for Feb

Seasons come and go… and we can tell when seasons are coming by the various signs that seem to pop up all around us…For example, we can tell it’s time for “Back-to-School” by the banners hung around stores and the school needs list posted by the school supplies that are conveniently stationed just as you walk into store - usually some time in July… You can see the fake yellow and rust colored leaves reminding everyone that summer is ending and fall is coming. Not to mention that right on the heels of autumn, out comes the costumes for Halloween smooshed in with Thanksgiving turkeys and cornucopias and pilgrims… Then of course, there’s no time to breathe, because there’s Christmas…Is Santa Claus a leftover frightful fellow from Halloween. Between clowns and old Santa Claus - I don’t know who illicit the most screams from little ones… It’s so traumatizing to have ones mother or father thrush you into the arms of a stranger dressed in red and white… for the sake of a photographic memoir. So literally, from July to February, (can’t forget Valentine’s Day), there are SIGNS of the TIMES!!! Ad nauseam! It’s no wonder that folks are like zombies as they move about and navigate the shopping and the parties and the planning for activities that they wish they weren’t attending. Many people complain and/or talk about past hurts and bad memories and disappointments… The tie that binds it all together is the anticipation of the SIGNS that  shout - IT’S COMING!!!!


There was such a sign before plastic banners, and neon lights and faceless mannequins dressed for whatever season was coming… “The Star” the wise men followed from the east to worship the King of the Jews, (Matthew 2). Also all the way back to the beginning -Genesis 49 points to the royal lineage of Jesus. Isaiah chapters 7 and 9 offers prophecy about Jesus - “… the virgin will conceive and give birth…” . “For unto us a child is born… and He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace”. Hosea 11 tells of Jesus being called out of Egypt, (In the book of Matthew, Joesph had been warned by an angel to “take the young child and His mother by night, and departed into Egypt…”).   Daniel 9, (starting at verse21…), speaks prophetically about Jesus life and purpose. Also in Isaiah 53  -Jesus’ death…

Where are you going with this Nina, you might be wondering… Well there are a plethora of prophetic scriptures about Jesus’ coming. His birth, His life, His death, His EVERYTHING. Jesus wasn’t just a thought to fix the problem of sin from our beginning. 

Jesus existed with Father God always.

Adam and Eve’s sinning wasn’t a surprise to Father God - in that He said to Jesus, “Go fix it…” No.

Adam and Eve’s sinning was an inevitable consequence of CHOICE!!! Father God in His gracious mercy gave us the choice of loving Him or not… Follow the logic… If we did not have a choice we’d automatically love Father God which isn’t really love, but, a default; because there wasn’t a choice… As crazy as it sounds, (dare I say, paradoxical), because Father God loved us, (He, above all, surely has the choice not to…), He gave us what He had, out of love, for us - The Choice… (Read that last part slowly - again.)

Breathtaking! Really!

From our conception - He had pre-planned for us to be with Him in eternity… BUT… We have the choice to not love HIM and so our names get blotted out when we foolishly choose not to love Him. Like the devil - we suppose that we can be our own god

That never ends well. Never! As in eternity - never! Hell!

It’s real folks. If you believe Heaven is for real - so… hell is too!

BUT, … back to SIGNS!

While, scripture clearly states - Mark 13:32, (paraphrased) “…  no one knows the day nor hour… only the Father”. There are SIGNS people!!! Yes, that have been showcasing themselves since Jesus’ resurrection… BUT just as there are SIGNS of an upcoming season, so there are signs of the Day of Christ, (not to be confused with the Day of the Lord - that’s another positing), and the second coming of Jesus Christ and though these SIGNS are increasing - the church seems oddly silent about it and seems to satiate their sheep with that milk I’ve spoken about - no meat! Sheep are going to hell and shepherds are leading the way and so preparing their flocks - for the barbecue that has sheep on the menu. 


I could suppose they have out waited their waiting and have become -dull! Unexpectedly - like a woman who is newly pregnant and it’s - not imminent… but she’s not perpetually pregnant folks… Some day she’s going to deliver…There are signs that a baby is coming… And so will my Jesus the KING. He will surely sound the trumpet “and the dead in Christ will rise first, then we who are alive will be caught-up with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air; and so shall we ever be with the Lord.” 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17. There are numerous other scriptures that Paul wrote in his epistles- Corinthians, Philippians, Thessalonians, Timothy.  

Should we not speak boldly and confidently of our BLESSED HOPE?! That which we eagerly anticipate. To clarify, (since once upon a time, I was told that I was being too Heavenly minded to be any earthly good…so…), not at the expense of the Gospel, -let it not be said, that I shied away from sharing the Good News. This is the WHY the church is yet here. We get- to proclaim the Best News Ever! (Father uses the most unlikely folks to do this work - He seems to delight in confounding the wise with foolish stuff all of the time). There is a Way of escape and it’s Jesus. Frankly, I think it’s important explaining to non believers and undoubtedly believers what they are escaping, (hell),  and why, because of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and His giving of His Blood, (all of it), as an atonement/payment for our sins… There is no other way of paying for our sins debt and sadly, this is not clearly explained…. People don’t think they sin nor that they need The Savior. 

I’ve been in good churches… Churches that tell their sheep how to live in this world as if -this were home! While what they say isn’t so wrong, the message isn’t in sync with the SIGNS. If the building is on fire and you have a way of escape - you don’t present it as an option, nor down play the sure and imminent disaster. You don’t talk about the need for possible fire safety measures… It’s too late… You don’t discuss insurance that could cover the destruction afterwards…You won’t want to live in a burnt-out home. You tell them the truth… They all played with fire - and their dreams, stuff, homes, everything is going to burn. They must leave this WAY NOW! And they should tell as many others as they can… because the fire is not contained -at all! Many people have already lost their lives/their souls, and you could hear them saying, “I thought I had more time, I wasn’t that bad, I was a good person… I cared for… I didn’t see the smoke…” The enemy - satan, is a master at deception. satan twist the very words of the Bible… he has entire denominations believing that the book of Revelation is not what it is - his death sentence! People believe it’s too difficult to understand… Specifically, the last book of the Bible - Revelation… Talk about people perishing for lack of knowledge!


The fire is all about us people! 

Wake-up and smell the smoke... See the flames… Feel the heat.

Read scripture. Research the world news from a variety of sources, connect the dots… and tell others about the Way of escape - Jesus. He gave everything - His life - His Blood so we would not have to go to hell. He wants to have you in Heaven - the HOME He has prepared for you… But it is a choice - satan wants you to think there’s no such place as hell… That a loving God wouldn’t send His creation to hell. Father God does NOT send anyone to hell. Sadly, his creation chooses to go there totally on their own by rejecting His Son’s sacrifice. Jesus extends the Gift of salvation FREELY. We can do no-thing to redeem ourselves, (save ourselves) - this is GRACE - receiving the Gift we don’t deserve. 


I do not know the day nor hour of my Jesus’ call for His bride the church… but, I can surely read the signs!

Can you see the big picture from all of the signs?  

Soli Deo Gloria,


Thursday, January 30, 2025

Last Week Was Something Old… Today, Something New…

 I’ve just completed studying the book of Jonah and a question that came up for me: Where is Jonah spiritually, at the conclusion of his book? A book that recounts his journey to Nineveh to preach not so much repentance, but… damnation for their “wickedness”. Brother Jonah went in the opposite direction of Nineveh because some speculate he preferred to see them burn - without warning.

Nineveh was an evil wicked place. The people were not of the children of Israel, but pagan and had conquered and enslaved them. Suffice it to say, Jonah did not like them and receiving the Word from God that they would be destroyed was good news to his ears, but the glitch was that God wanted him to tell them of their impeding doom. I’m supposing Jonah saw this Word from God as a bittersweet Word… Kinda like when Jesus says, “Love your enemies… pray for those who persecute you, …And whoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain… Forgive as I forgive you…” … You know those Words. Nice Words in theory but in practice… You get it - bittersweet.

So… the story goes that Jonah left for Tarshish, (opposite direction from Nineveh), but through a series of events, falls into an oddly deep sleep, during a violent storm, (sent by the Lord),… When awakened by the frightened “shipmaster”… seasoned sailors, after they threw their cargo into the sea; suggested that everyone prays to his own god for assistance rather than perish. Jonah, (“the sleeper”), offers the solution of throwing him overboard, (aka a sacrifice of sorts but, also an assisted suicide… Because, it seems that Jonah would rather die before going to Nineveh… (How many of you have said, “I’d rather die than do such and such…” Of course, you probably didn’t mean it, but you said or thought such…). However, Jonah really meant it. Violent storm. Out in the open seas. No life preservers… Sounds like a death wish to me. Jonah, answered their questions concerning who he was, what he’s supposed to be doing and WHO he serves - this was after they casted lots and it fell to Jonah… So game up Jonah! You are running from THE GOD!… The sailors seemed to realize this…and eventually had a come to God moment… and prayed not be held accountable for what they thought was sure death for Jonah… (The sailors “…feared the Lord exceedingly, and offered a sacrifice unto the Lord, and made vows.” Yeah! Conversions!)

But God…

…Sees His child Jonah at his last grasp on reality and has “… prepared a great fish to swallow up Jonah”. I’d say reality is not a thing for Jonah at this point - to me this is the stuff of nightmares - for three days and three nights. 

Utter darkness! 

Separation from God.

Separation from people.

Separation from solid ground and stuff of earth.

Stomach acids.



And seemingly not ending - so what “feels” like an eternity - 

Jonah prays… admittedly not like “They that observe lying vanities, [forsaking] their own mercy.”… But finally being willing to sacrifice withthanksgiving and do what he vowed and that his salvation is [only] of the Lord… And Jonah [was] vomited upon dry land… 

Jonah! Goes! I’d say he ran to, Nineveh…and preached, (text says, “…and he cried”. Again I don’t think it was for the lost of Nineveh - but sure fire and damnation, because he had had a foretaste of hell), that in 40 days they’d be toast… thus saith the Lord… He was a sight for sore eyes… Remember he had been in stomach acid for 3 days and nights and utter darkness… He had an odor as well… I’m sure he did not care to clean himself up nor get new clothes… Nope. He was just as he was after being vomited upon the dry land… Nothing fancy! Just straight Word of God! And they believed GOD! Everyone… Fasting, sackcloth and sitting in ashes… AND of course, “TURNING from [their] evil ways, and from the violence that [was] in their hands…” Pleading with God to have mercy… and He did… (just like He did with Jonah)…

BUT Jonah was “displeased… exceedingly, and he was very angry”. With GOD!

Dear Brother Jonah made himself a shelter on the east side of the city to watch what would become of the evil Ninevites… God seems to reason with Jonah as he sits and complains about God’s mercy for the people he hates and doesn’t hold anything back about how kind, merciful and gracious God is towards these people… You can almost hear Jonah saying, “I knew You’d do this craziness… It’s why I didn’t want to even bother with them, because of how I knew You were…” Then Jonah wants to die again… saying it’s better to die than to live!…

God: “Really Jonah?”

Then God extends mercy to Jonah, to deliver him from his grief, (provides a fast growing BIG gourd - God likes big sometimes… sometimes small too - enter a worm that causes the gourd to wither)… Jonah gets angry again, and wants to die… Then God questions Jonah, I believe, to help him see the err of his thought processes… The sailors come to know of Jonah’s God and make vows, (perhaps to live for God and share their unbelievable story of salvation). The city of Nineveh repents, “… more than six score thousand persons”. That’s some major preaching that Jonah did and God brought the increase into His Kingdom… 

But dear poor Brother Jonah… is just angry with God and displeased… A good friend of mine said, it’s an open-ended question to the reader… Which is a good thought. 

Where are we when folks we don’t like or care for, change via the power of the Holy Spirit? Do you as a believer, desire folks to go to hell? (I’ve heard believers say some crazy things…). Do you pray for their eyes and hearts to be opened to the things of God? Hell is a real place. Strangely, rarely have I heard sermons on hell, sin, and/or Heaven… You’d think all three topics don’t exist. Truly, a major lie of the devil… causing folks to believe all we gotta do is exist on this rock called earth.  Just exist - to get more stuff, do more stuff… Anything but consider that there is eternity in one of two places - hell or Heaven, and so not even bother to tell folks of these choices… Remember choices have consequences… and we will get to answer for what we did or didn’t do… that were opportunities to share - like Jonah…

 But where is Jonah at the end of his only story in the Bible? And are we like him - at the core… Are you pissed with God when bad, evil people repent? It sounds crazy, but not for some… I wonder if there are shepherds/pastors out there who see their “lost” flocks as - job security - and so keep them “underfeed” and so lost? 

I’m just asking questions… 

Soli Deo Gloria 


Monday, January 20, 2025

Another New Year -2025 - Such Potential - Really…

 Greetings to you… 

You’ve stumbled across this blog by divine accident… I am in the process of reviving this blog started over a decade ago… Initially, I started the blog because of a continuing education class I took at Dominican University in River Forest, IL. The things I talked about then was tech stuff for education but after the class, I saw possibilities… Then life happened - more than my life bookshelves could handle and some of the “books of life” fell to the floor because of a lack of bookends - to contain life, (spoiler alert: there was just too much of life to contain)… If you desire to know what books of life fell, you are welcomed to peruse previous postings… Life changes.

With this new year I’ve desired to share mainly questions and ramblings in my head - usually Biblical topics, in hopes of sharing dialogue. I’m also toying with the idea of sharing snippets of a novella I wrote during 2020 - but I think everyone wrote something during that dark time. Still, with my introduction into technology back in the day, I’ve been able to write a plethora of notes at anytime, anywhere on my iPhone. 

The notes/thoughts below aren’t specifically Biblical in nature but, I started them in 2016 which is as far back as this iPhone goes with my recording of thoughts and where I was - a timestamp would be my blog postings during 2016: 


Summer of 2016

Passing Time - Some live their lives in imaging various scenarios. To me this seems like daydreaming. It passes time, but literally time is indeed passing… consider what could have been accomplished in doing rather than dreaming about something. Of course, unless one is imaging possibilities for actual movement forward then the dream is profitable. It becomes a tool for a step to reality. 

Sadly, I see  too many people stuck in the wheel of going no where - those that are fixated upon sometimes detrimental stuff or worse - lies they tell themselves - and so sink in quicksand.

Here’s one thought that I had for my students:

It’s important to take students out of their comfort zone, so they can learn from mistakes and flat out failures and so encourage them to stretch and reach for something more or even better from within themselves - (raise the bar for themselves, how novel a thought). It’s important to make them think, ask questions - to play out their thoughts and understand that choices have consequences - always.

This last thought comes from March 2017, (It was a thought for a book about my family):

The substance of Clay, is forgiving…  


Some may be wondering why not start a new blog? 

Father God always works with a remnant - He waste nothing - not even the bad, the old, out-of-date, the castaways, useless… Father sees amazing potential.

Enough said for now…

Soli Deo Gloria


This is me arriving for pickleball, with my friends in the background 🙃

Monday, January 15, 2024

Who Do You Say You Are?

Father God has always- ALWAYS been faithful... From the rising of the first sun to the moon's arrival on the horizon as the sun began to set... The stars movements, the cool breeze of the noonday, the gusts of wind, the storms, and even the calm of the weather - Father God has done such since the beginning.

 He has NEVER missed a beat. Father God is Who He ALWAYS has been and forever will be… However, it is the goal of the enemy to get everyone to doubt his or her identity and so doubt Father God and then to live in fear. It's what satan did to Adam and Eve, Jesus and so with us… Everybody else… With us it only takes small seeds of doubt - that eventually grow deep from the “fertile” soil of this earth to touch our souls… 

Then sprouts disorientation and then fear… But God! Being IN - immersed - in the Word of God daily is paramount. It’s like being battle ready. If one doesn’t know “who” they are even minimally - having some peace about self - they go through life “trying” out various “selves” to see what “seems right unto themselves” - and so screws self and others - who get mixed up in their search… Woe to those who are trying to be what others say they are… 

 Hence, having the WORD of GOD as one’s foundation is the Bedrock… It’s Truth - God’s Truth. He alone LOVES perfectly and sees who you are! As for me, I am a child of God, a follower of Jesus Christ… Firmly planted in the Word of God. Nina Soli Deo Gloria

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

"Even in the Shadows" by Nina B.

I walk a tad over a mile to get to Bible study and of course, the same distance to return home. I don’t mind walking, (all the attendees walk - just from varying directions). It’s in the evening and sometimes I get that weirded out feeling, aka fear. The neighborhood has had its share of gang activity, robberies and more - the basic ills of a big city - crime,... Still, I have always believed I am never alone, because my God is with me… One night, as I walked home, on the main street, which is more lit and busier than the residential areas; I had a start, as I saw out of the corner of my eye a shadow. I laughed as I realized it was my own. Father reminded me, I am never alone… He said, “We are always with you”. It was then that I noticed the streetlights casted three shadows at some times and other times one, but as I moved forward and passed streetlights, leaving them behind me, so did my shadows - move… Sometimes at a slant behind me, elongated in front of me, directly to one side of me… Singularly, twos and threes…but always with me because of the light. Likewise, Father is always with me… as close as my breath and even in my shadows. I just need to whisper His name - Jesus, and know that He is with me… with you. Soli Deo Gloria, Nina